Saturday, July 20, 2024


howdy pop pickers

and so one more album "review" (or what have you) for a record that i wasn't immediately compelled to purchase. the record in this instance, as the title gives you every indication, is Happenings off of Kasabian, look you see. 

my reluctance to get this tape (disc) stemmed from just how underwhelming the previous album off of them, the needlessly complicatedly packaged The Alchemists Euphoria, was. also when i heard what i believed to be the first single from Happenings (but turned out to be the third), Coming Back To Me Good, i was very much "no". however, i remembered that one must always purchase any new Kasabian album as it inexplicably upsets Billy Bragg. no idea why there was a stage when he got wheeled out by the NME (and similar) to sh!t over anything Kasabian did, but if he doesn't like it then it's well worth some coins of my money, thanks. 

for those of you in some sort of rush, yet have read this far, actually i am quite glad that i relented and bought it, as Happenings is a really good (and noticeably short) album. merrily Serge has come on leaps and bounds as the now lead vocalist. i would suspect that anyone with any interest has already picked up the tape (disc), what with it already being out two weeks by the time this hits that "internet" thing, but if not, yeah, give it a go. 

what makes it a good album? generally the flow of it. as with Kaiser Chiefs earlier in the year they have most certainly gone with quality over quantity, as here's another throwback to the days of albums what have a running time less ("fewer") than 30 minutes. once this was quite common, and a whole load of the albums off of The Beatles had a similar run time. ever since CD came along with that digital display, though, people are aware that "more" could be put on a tape (disc). this has led to some needlessly bloated albums over the last 30 or 40 (!!) years. 

it turns out that the lead single, Algorithms, was released as far back as last year (2023). no idea how i missed it, was probably more listening to tapes (discs) as i drove rather than the radio. quite a pity that i didn't hear it first, as then i would have been far more optimistic for this record. so yes, it's rather good. certainly Liam Gallagher heard it, as he used the one lyric, "we're not here for a long time but we are here for a good time", to justify the infamously short concerts he and John Squire did. this song is the last one on the album, and the last time i can recall a lead single being the last track on the subsequent album was indeed Love Spreads on Second Coming off of The Stone Roses. well, yes, if you excuse or leave aside The Foz, that track 90 (ninety) on the disc version.

other highlights? this may be the overriding issue with the album. whilst it maintains a consistently good quality, with a wonderful flow as mentioned, there's no real "wow" outstanding signature tune. even that one single i didn't quite take to sounds really good here, which shows the importance of listening to vibes properly, and not on a radio or via "streaming". 

some aspects of the packaging, in psychedelic mode (of course), are pictured above for your consideration. indeed that is a "signed insert", similar to the one what came with the previous album which is just too complex to keep typing, and indeed like what Crowded House included with their most recent record, the again previously mentioned Gravity Stairs. if that is what it was called. 

realistically Kasabian are still in the midst of re-inventing themselves after the departure of Tom. as i and many others have said, this wasn't exactly a major loss, as his vocals were always the weakest element of any venture (or adventure) by the band. let us hope they stick with it, as i would anticipate the next record has them firmly on the groove they wish to be. 

mostly, of course, it's always going to be interesting whatever Serge does next. he is a man seemingly determined to make his life one long scene out of This Is Spinal Tap and i envy him for it. truly he is out there doing what he wants. having now "mastered" the art of a short, thirty minute album, well, it won't be all that much of a surprise if the next Kasabian record is a double (or triple) concept based rock opera album. which would be quite class. 

unlikely that Happenings shall be declared my "album of the year", but this album existing has at least made this year all the better. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!