hello there
and so i find myself very much in a state of feeling isolated, actually am isolated, yet i find myself in a particularly large number of the population. not a majority, look you see, but a significant aspect. so, yes, then, at time of writing (central July, 2021), i am one of those "lucky" ones in legally, often harshly enforced isolation things, for reasons of belief by someone that i have come into contact with someone what has got all that fancy new plague thing.
quite, or rather, annoying, this is. so do please note this may be tinged with whines and groans, all whilst doing what i can to avoid such. but, also, yes, i have been "double jabbed", with the one that is the one the French (and others but not many) are scared of, and taking regular, frequent home tests which all come back as negative (as in do not have plague).
presently, then, and again this is at time of writing (by the time this is published such rulings are intended to be a thing of the past), i am one of somewhere north of one million what are on instructions to isolate, to remain in quarantine, in exile. this shall be of relevance as my wording rambles on - i was one of the ones sentenced via phone call and text, rather than "pinged" by an "app".
we need to stop running away from this plague; we need to fight the future. there is only so much an individual (such as
moi) can do in realistic terms for this. one of the only ways i have found to punch through the canvas is pictured, in the greater good and glory of Commodore 64 mode, above in the form of some extra test, which apparently is part of a "study" group. it is highly unlikely that my agreement to do so will see me get parole, or early release. but, with some luck (or common sense), maybe it will help evaluate if all this vaccination (which i know does not translate as immunity) business has been worth it. momentarily, it feels, the view is kind of "no" if we are all expected to lock ourselves away as the invisible war rages still.
my sentencing is for a crime that i am vaguely aware of, and ultimately responsible for. a calculated risk was taken, but evidently, or apparently, risk won out. there is a matter of some concern and trepidation about it for me, but softly and carefully must i tread, for fear or concern of either triggering various conspiracy theory types, or simply putting myself within the sights of (yet) another attempt at state sponsored assassination. no doubt they shall get me one day, but not thus far.
the peculiar, or strange, thing is that i was contacted via a mobile number which was registered to
moi, but not with the authorities who, with an iron fist which holds the gauntlet that they have used and are now drunk on power, contacted me. i do indeed have a number which i provide for such alerts, one on a device which also has this much vaunted "app" on it, yet that remained silent throughout the show trial i was placed on and of course found guilty.
exactly why that would be relevant is all due to the differences in reaction one may have to the different ways in which your collar is felt by the ruling elite for doing no more than committing the crime of being human. if, and this is my understanding of it, you get "pinged" on the "app", then legally you can ignore it, tell them to go away, or go and get f****d or f*** off or similar. but, as was the case with me, if you get a call or a text message, then you are well and truly nicked, and if you don't comply with the sentence then you can get arrested, fined, all sorts. some reports suggest that police are turning up in full tilt riot mode to ensure twelve year old girls are isolating on the basis of a call. with some (certain) elements of plausibility existing in this call or text scenario, i elected not to follow the "go and get f****d" way of responding, then, as sorely and surely tempting as it was. be it either French or cowardice, i simply, or eventually, took it as a given that compliance with the sentence was the prudent approach.
somewhere in the vicinity of this text should be an image of one of these home tests i have been doing for plague. it's called a "rapid" test, and may well even be the one they call a "lateral flow test", because of course they just can't give straightforward names to things no more. the result on it is negative for plague, as it has consistently been. what i get told is "ah but they are not reliable", sometimes if you have plague it says you don't. this prompts the question, then, of just what, exactly, is the entire f*****g point of these uncomfortable tests if the results can be disputed to suit a narrative. every now and then one gets a sense of the conspiracy theorists, or just those that question our response to the plague, may well not be entirely invalid in their stance. far from it, in a number of matters. but no, please do not go burning down telephone masts or other such nonsense.
it is so that the above is "borrowed" off of the BBC website. as i appear to pay for such things via my licence fee (yes i pay it, as point of fact twice this year but that is another story), my understanding is that i can use it. well, if not, cry away. moving on, the above was taken quite early into the mid July based "ping fest 2021". about a day after this screen grab, that number of "pings" had doubled.
as, or since, we are on the subject of the BBC, an oh so how very convenient story on their site today, which, assuming government censors do not step in, can be read
by clicking here. those who suggest, or openly state, that the government brazenly runs on a "one rule for us" principal appear correct to do so. if for some reason you have no wish to click that, in short our incumbent Health Secretary, who is also coming to be known as lead state executioner, has this plague, but neither glorious leader Boris nor finance king Rishi must isolate, as they are involved in a "special secret test pilot" thing, open to just them and, for some reason, that lot at TfL, who get paid £50,000 a year to press a button yet still find reason to complain of their plight in life.
my effort to get out of such condemnation and damnation has not, by all accounts, been taken as part of a "special secret" pilot group. yes, i went right off on one and did their "uber" PCR test thing, which effectively features a larger swab (cotton bud thing) than the daily one, as well as a thicker, more secret liquid to place it in.
oh, one of those "to be fair" update things. it seems that the decision by the powers that be to casually avoid isolation lasted even shorter than a European Super League, as this follow up report says that glorious leader and him what done the money are now isolating, according to
this article.
result is in, and my PCR test shows a negative, which means no, i do not have plague, or whatever it is called. coronavirus, maybe, or covid. yet still i must remain imprisoned by the restrictions, as per the threats outlined in the screenshot somewhere around this text. so, presumably, or at a guess, i have a number of days to sit and read, or what have you. although maybe not, as for some unclear reason TfL employees are also exempt from isolation. i have forwarded a request to Spiros to get me a badge off of a tube driver, by any means neccessary, and if successful i can go out and about, presumably.
for those of a mind (or otherwise inclined) to indulge conspiracy theories, indeed i would, giving consideration to moi being double jabbed and doing those frequent at home tests, think of this PCR test as being a bit excessive, especially as it gave the same result and, due to me not being weirdly specifically employed in a London-centric job, has not made one jot of a difference to my being locked up, yet no key thrown away. unless it were so that for some reason they wished to have a 'DNA' or whatever sample of me on file. well, now they do, but also if they had asked they could have had.
doing them, or these, PCR tests (whatever PCR stands for) really is a pile of sh!t. i am under no illusions, i suspect how rank awful they are shall have been widely documented right across all of this exciting "internet" thing. but, should my view on them be a matter worth soliciting, there it is.
one thing i wasn't really expecting though, as no one reasonably would give consideration to such a concern, was the choice of model in the booklet thing, which shows one how to do the test.
there are those among us who have reached such fame and stature that they are easily and immediately recognisable. it is a truth universally acknowledge that Barbra Streisand is of such a position in our world, and there she is, in all her glory, demonstrating how to do the nose (or "business end") aspect of one of these tests. it was entirely by accident that i included the words there, but who here among(st) us could coin a better way to describe our experiences of the great Ms Streisand any more better than as being discomfort, but it should not hurt?
living in informed times, as some of us elect to do, is there anything to the use of a likeness of Ms Streisand in guiding people on how to do these plague PCR test? most probably. it is all plausible this is really nothing more than the kind of extravagant and sophisticated means of promoting her latest musical adventure we are used to from her, really. and, in fairness, her new album does sound quite good, so why not. who cares how many of us need to be needlessly tormented if the ultimate aim is to promote how fabulous Barbra Streisand is?

yes, it has occurred to me that i may set up my own "special secret test pilot group" to monitor and observe things related to my plight in the face of the plague. obviously this will be set up, purely, to let me roam the streets, but for purposes of appearance - the only thing which really counts these days - it shall be all done under the pretence of "learning" about the virus, or plague. do i qualify as some sort of boffin, or scientific expert? of course i do. i did a bit of science at school, am capable of wearing an ill fitting suit, often get accosted by people in parks who want a selfie with me, and am both confident and comfortable in telling someone to put the next slide up on a screen.
credit where it is due, mind. the packaging thing to send them back this PCR test (which actually sounds a little Communist) is lovely. no doubt the need to have so many of these has in some small way helped inspire the current cardboard box shortage in the world, for we cannot blame all such things on whatever the most recent temper tantrum by Greta has concerned.
this desperation, dislocation, separation, condemnation, revelation, temptation, isolation, desolation, let it go, and so fade away, to let it go, And so fade away, i'm wide awake, wide awake, i'm not sleeping
right, well, let me go and serve the rest of my unjust, Shawshank Redemption like sentence, except without The Kurgan, as best i can, hoping not to get shanked (or worse) in the shower. perhaps i shall use the time constructively and / or (with emphasis on "or") read that novel off of the tall, smug, smarmy one out of Pointless. to my knowledge the short, smug, smarmy balding one out of that show has yet to do a novel, but nothing much can be of a surprise any more.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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