yes, another music related post. although this is all rather niche, look you see. none more niche, perhaps, for we enter the hidden, strange and sometimes murky world of the (limited) hardcore faction of fans within a realm of a somewhat acute, selective appeal following.
of course, indeed, and quite, yes. this all does, as you have no doubt (or undoubtedly) worked out from the above, relate to the solo career of Joey out of Europe. absolutely, that Joey out of that Europe. the band what all got all so excited about when they became the first Swedish band since Abba to make the UK singles chart. sensational stuff.
if fans who are prepared to confess their admiration for Europe are tricky to find, well, that is nothing at all compared to seeking out the secretive cult of Joey out of Europe. his appeal is so precise and selective that one stands more chance of visiting Ireland, following a rainbow to its (theoretical) end and discovering a leprechaun desperate to hand over their pot of gold than they do of meeting a proclaimed fan of Joey out of Europe. to be sure.
except, of course, Spiros. for reasons which would be inappropriate to discuss, and i am certainly not going to share here, Spiros has, fairly recently, had reason to become acquainted with the niche market which is the solo career of Joey out of Europe. or that is the solo career of him off of Europe, should that be the right proper wording.
my apologies for the subtle editing of the picture what show Spiros, and i use this word carefully, enjoying the music of the solo career of Joey out of Europe. there are certain, broadly and diplomatically put, "rituals" what Spiros does when he is enjoying this particular music. in vain and in awe i (at least) try to keep the content here suitable for all, so some censorship was required. yes, no matter how natural an act it is what Spiros says it is, in particular when he makes a short term but mutually beneficial friend in some sort of public restroom facility.
letting your mind comprehend that Joey out of Europe has a solo career takes some doing, man. apparently, and all things be relative, a moderately (or reasonably successful) one too, for he has been permitted, or able, to do more than just one album on his own. consider, if you will, some songs got written by Joey out of Europe what Europe rejected; saying that they were (ahem) not quite good enough for them. or, otherwise, Joey out of Europe wrote some songs, and for some reason felt that the demographic for them would not be the "usual" or "ordinary" Europe fanbase. wow.
above is the one Joey out of Europe CD what Spiros has recently declared to be his best and favourite CD in his collection. this is a pretty hefty, lofty and prestigious title, right up until the moment you ask Spiros how many, give or take, discs he owns, and then you get the answer of one. but still, that has a fair bit of weight to it, that Spiros would only own a disc off of Joey out of Europe.
do i have any Europe, or Joey out of Europe, in my collection? only by default, alas. it is simply not possible to procure (acquire) as many 80s sets as i have a preference for and not end up with multiple copies of The Final Countdown. no, i do not play it a lot, if at all. i thought it was sh!t at the time and the years have not been kind to it. although i do recall my brother being all excited about finding an album off of Europe what did not have that song on it, and yet he never ever discussed it again after playing it once.
weirdly, this does not mark the first encounter Spiros has had with Joey out of Europe. kind of. a few years ago, when engaged in a professional capacity in his role as the greatest legal mind of his generation for a London based concern, he assisted the constabulary with a rather unpleasant matter. for some reason the streets of Chiswick were plagued by a criminal sort; one who was disgracing himself publicly by means of committing rather unpleasant acts of a sexual nature.
so, the police were a bit baffled, having no real leads to go on, except the nature of the acts were, by all account, extremely Swedish. being a model citizen, Spiros was aware of an unsavoury Swedish national service dodging type; one who had taken to measuring men at random for "shirts" which never actually turned up. moving on, and with the assistance of Spiros they were able to apprehend him. the connection here is that the culprit was located near one of the many famous ponds in London, apparently or seemingly trying to interfere with ducks, claiming that he was Joey out of Europe and it was OK what he was doing as it was natural for Swedish farmer rock stars.
could i offer any guidance or advice to anyone what is considering buying a solo album off of Joey oit of Europe? not really, not really, no.