Saturday, August 14, 2021

massive spoons


up until quite recently it was so that, should i have been asked (and i was not) on the subject, my answer would have been yes, i do believe i have a sufficient level of cutlery. there is simply no need, or requirement, for me to have excessive amounts of such instruments, look you see, whilst appreciating an elba like exile era. but more i now have. 

so, i was enjoying a perfectly good dinner (or "lunch" for those of you who have embraced American terminology; London i look at you) with a dear friend. we were in a very, as in predominantly, Who decorated establishment, and so it was class. as a plus, they had sarsaparilla, a fine beverage i had not enjoyed for a fair while. 

after dinner we strolled and perused shops, for such commercial ventures is very much a shared passion of ours. yes, i bought some items, mostly a rather smart shirt (which i may showcase here at some stage), and that sort of thing. also hairbrushes, if you insist on pressing, but that is for a secret project and nothing to do with me needing to use brushes. 

my dear friend, who(m) we shall call Mandybabes, was drawn to this (pictured above) cutlery set. apparently, and i would trust her on such matters, the asking price for this portland cutlery set, being as it was a neat £10 was "excellent". but that was not the draw for her. no, nor that it was so lovely and shiny, which obviously appealed to me. for some reason she took exceptional delight, and expressed admiration, for the size of the larger spoons in the set. table spoons, i believe is the posh term. 

it was not, and make no mistake in this, that she just mentioned they were large and left it at that. no, far from such. frequently she said they were "massive", and so as to establish this set about picking up other spoons, ones sold separately or in sets not too different from this one (in packaging), and held them up so as to compare. yes, in each instance, the one on offer was not as big, or if you will massive, as the one in the portland cutlery set. well, as point of fact one spoon was bigger, but that was a serving spoon rather than one which one would eat with. 

no a great deal of coercing or coaxing was required to encourage me to purchase. in fairness, or to be fair, for a few months it has irked that i got f****d over by Tesco, for the set they sold me (some decent ones with a black handle) was a fork short. i couldn't be pestered to return it or complain, so i have none to blame but moi, but i did vow to never ever buy cutlery off of Tesco again, since they are right f*** you over merchants in my experience. 

would i consider myself happy, or experience a life much better, now that i have this cutlery set at my disposal? bit of a tricky question that, since my lot in life is not so bad these days. yes, it is lovely to have the exact same number of a set of items of cutlery, this is true. but, alas, having been distracted by the massive spoons, i did not pay attention to the teaspoons with this set. it turns out they are, and i suppose one would say conversely or something, disproportionately smaller. whereas the new massive spoons off of this set are indeed now the biggest i own, so too is it true that the teaspoons which came along by default are now the smallest ones i have. 

there is some sort of symmetry there, i suppose. dramatic enough, at the least, for me to have commenced a whole new paragraph to state so, allowing you to have taken a bit of a theatrical pause so as to comprehend such a thing being. 

yes, sure, if i make any further cutlery (or related) purchases, i shall let you know. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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