Sunday, August 22, 2021

surprise cuisine selection success


there are some who, i suppose, if they took such time as to consider a matter (and few would), might suggest that i have made several life choices which could be determined as "interesting". i would be, to be perfectly honest, biased in such a judgement, look you see, so can just be, rather than say what it all is. 

for some reason, and i still am unsure why, i was of a mind (recently) to have a try of them so-called vegetarian burgers off of Linda McCartney, now of course sadly no longer with us in person. but, her wish to have as many as possible adopt a vegetarian life prevails to this day. no, i am neither considering nor contemplating a vegetarian lifestyle (but not ruling it out), it was all a case of these mozzarella burgers sounding like they would be rather smart. so, i got some. 

yes, indeed, for clarity, that Linda McCartney, who was for many years quite happily married to Sir Paul of Beatle, a chap who is quite comfortably in the top three of any 'Best Beatle' contest or measurement. i seem to have pushed an unexpectedly significant amount of funding in the direction of Sir Paul of late, what with these burgers (i assume he pockets something, but likely gives it away), the Royal Mail stamps of him and HMV deciding to have Egypt Station, an album of his, at an attractive price on the counter. which Beatle have i given the most money to? not sure, but i could probably name the one i have given the least to, and no he does not feature in the top three of any sort of 'Best Beatle' list or ranking. 

i bought some then. well, a box with two in it, or packaging what contained two (2) mozzarella burgers. on reading the ingredients, i was somewhat dismayed as it had whatever "soya" is in it. no, no idea what it looks like, or tastes like, but it has never sounded appealing or appetising. vaguely, it is so that i seem to remember hearing of something called "soya milk", and that sounds like the sort of thing what really, quite and very annoying poncy twats would have in weak tea or on gentrified rice crispies. 

anyway, right, i cooked them (following the instructions and trusting instinct), on the basis that i was risk free, one eating undercooked mozzarella was unlikely to pose health issues. on cooking, i took a tentative bite of one, then quickly wolfed it down and scoffed the other very fast. these are truly magnificent b@stards of burgers, and now i have a couple more boxes of them in the freezer, as they come in a frozen form. 

perhaps, maybe, there is something to all this vegetarian lark, then. i would clearly and obviously eat more of these, let me consider other such options. but, still, as per a post i did some time ago, yes, i would still quite like to be one of them monkeys what scientists make sit and smoke all day, so don't let this interlude give you any sense of a complete change of direction. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!