nothing too much in the way of intelligence here, just a post about that subject which is highly likely to be one which causes my demise. so, yes, smoking. specifically Marlboro, look you see. and so yes, the usual disclaimer, smoking is bad, don't start it, if you do smoke then quit, etc.
moving on, then. a reality of living in England, or likely the wider UK, is a ridiculous government. if you ever wished to have confirmation that them in power are either as thick as pigsh!t or deceitful or both, and yes likely both, it's cigarettes. they keep increasing the punitive tax on cigarettes and then claim that it is working as "fewer" people are smoking. no. what's happened is "fewer" people are paying ludicrous prices when (ahem) independent importers and distributors have absolutely no issues bringing them to the market at half the retail price or better. a lower yet still (marginally) punitive tax would see them get more revenue than they do now and cut down on the less legal means of procuring cigarettes, but they are just that stupid.
a minor downside to the more independent, less officially approved way of obtaining cigarettes is that one cannot always get their preferred brand. there was much merriment and Cousin Balki like dance of joy time, then, when i got my hands on the finest cigarette known to the human race. which, of course, is Marlboro Red.
just what makes Marlboro Red the best of the best? no idea, but i do hope they keep on doing whatever it is they do to make them. from time to time one hears how they "intend" to stop manufacturing cigarettes within a decade or so. quite possible i will be gone by then anyway, but for the sake of other people who smoke and all them tobacco farmers i really trust that they do not.
yes, that is indeed a close up of the warning image on one of the cartons (or if you will sleeves) of my most beloved Marlboro Red. how interesting to see that the (in)famous Baby Putin appears in the picture. i have drawn attention to this before, and for those interested here is a link to the more famous image of the Putin child used on warning pictures. still convinced that they have deliberately manipulated it so as to make him look so. but also don't give cigarettes to children, even if they do look like world leaders of dubious standing.
oddly i am quite in favour of most of the "anti" smoking laws and legislation. it is a quite bad habit, after all. although i note the NHS is in more of a mess than ever, despite claims that cutting down the number of smokers would make it all better. very happy indeed to smoke in designated areas only, just so long as all non-smokers f*** the f*** off and leave us to it. that thing of phasing out smoking by increasing the legal age to legally purchase cigarettes is also worth a go. but they may wish to stop driving us existing smokers into the welcoming arms of the less official market for them.
it is of course never going to happen. for some reason governments fear making practical decisions out of an incorrect perception of what will and will not "go down well with voters. had it been so, say, at the time of that "Brexit" vote they had said "vote to stay in the EU and we shall reduce the price of cigarettes to levels compatible with Spain, Greece and what have you" then there's every chance a million or so votes would have moved to the answer they wanted and (foolishly) took as being a given. we people are that basic and could have been bought so easily.
right, well, just a reminder that once again smoking is very silly and you should not do it. it will, however, be somewhat (vaguely) amusing if it happens to be something other than cigarettes what brings about my demise. perhaps state sponsored assassination awaits if i keep drawing attention to the presence of baby Putin on these fag warnings.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!