Saturday, June 01, 2024


now then

and it will be with a sigh that some regular readers go "oh right, great, another post of stuff in around London, how exceptionally boring". with more of my life being found there, well, i have little choice but to write of it. or, i suppose, yes, i could just stop writing things here, look you see. feels kind of silly to do that (or to stop that) since it's now about twenty years (!!) i have been doing it. maybe one day it will all end, for nothing lasts forever. 

moving on then, and in (relatively) early May i had reason to be in the wonders of Hammersmith. not, alas, or sadly, for a gig. a colleague, and if i could be so brave as to suggest friend, wished to go and visit the celebrated Rik Mayall Memorial Bench. for some reason i have become the guide of choice for this, at least amongst verk colleagues. but it is no hardship to go. 

no, this was of course not my first visit here. that's probably why i have kind of accidentally become the person we, the people wish to guide them there. certainly it's unlikely that they wish for it because being in my presence is a good thing. two (2) of my previous visits have been documented, and if you are interested then by all means click here and / or here. my, how things have changed. 

like quite a few things in that there London (innit) it is so that the Rik Mayall Memorial Bench isn't in the exact spot it once was, or should be. this was the nearest closest bench they could find in Hammersmith to where the original was. as i have no doubt mentioned in other posts the original bench was where some of the opening sequence of Bottom was filmed. oh well, people can live with the zebra crossing on Abbey Road not being where it was when The Beatles famously crossed it, so this too will simply have to do. 

perhaps some form of warning should have been given before the above picture, which is of course one of them selfie things of me (moi). oh well, my blog, etc. if it helps out, the remaining two pictures also feature me, but you can distract yourself with a look at the others on display with me. 

it is very much so that i, and the rest of the known universe, miss Rik Mayall being around. sure, his body of work will last forever, and it is always a delight to see the odd clip here and there of him at his absolute genius best. asking someone for their "favourite Rik thing" is one of those impossible to choose just a singular one thing. rather just celebrate all he did. 

our quest to pay respects to Rik Mayall just so happened to be on the day of the (2024) London mayoral election. this i know as when we arrived at Hammersmith Tube Station there was this gentleman. for those who don't recognise him, that is indeed Piers Corbyn. indeed, that one, and yes, brother of Jeremy. he was busy handing out leaflets which appeared to suggest the election was "illegal" as he was not a candidate, and encouraged people to spoil their ballots. this, going on the declared results, did not happen as much as he may have hoped, but at least he asked we, the people. 

as it happens, my friend and colleague had no idea who Piers Corbyn was, or why i was so keen to get a picture with him. he, Steve, said he "just assumed" it was the usual sort of oddball or mental case that i have a tendency (if not proclivity) to attract. so far as i am aware i think this was intended in a complimentary way, but also it is what it is. 

since, or as, he was the primary motivation to visit the Rik Mayall Memorial Bench once more, there you go, a picture of Steve with me. yes, i would agree he is more better to look at than me. as it happens, some of you shall thank him whereas others shall momentarily hate him, for he by chance saved my life (literally) not so long ago. i more or less thank him for this, up to you if you do too. 

right, well, that's a fair bit of stuff for you to give consideration to. or some reasonable pictures to have a gander at. and may i say that's a smashing blouse you have on.........

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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