Sunday, June 09, 2024



initially, or to begin with, i was going to write how this post was likely going to be pointless. but then, on consideration, it would not be unreasonable to suggest the (north of) 4,000 other posts what i have gone done are of a similar definition, look you see.  let me crack on, as it were, but as all of this relates to the requirement to smell something, disappointment looms. 

recently, or if you will not so long ago (at time of writing) i felt like purchasing some air freshener. not quite sure why, as whatever needs i would have in that regard are generally covered by one of them plug in electric ones. maybe it was just that i happened to see some on sale south of one pound in the sterling sense. could have been 11p south or maybe as much as 31p south, i forget. anyway, i got some, and as you can see the provenance is Morrisons. no, nothing to do with him as far as i know.

a reasonable expectation was for this to have a pleasant, or at the least agreeable scent. one would be foolish to seek a product of this nature to make things smell worse, or if you will fewer nice. indeed this does achieve this, but something else. for whatever reason i have a clear memory of this "peony" scent, and it feels like it is a good and/or positive one. yet no, i cannot place where the familiarity comes from, or indeed who(m) it might be that my mind strives to associate it with. just is. 

perhaps (other than taking up space here) my idea or notion to write of this was to try and flush out what, exactly, i am remembering with this scent. kind of sort of jog a memory, as it were. up to now, no, that (or this) hasn't happened. oh well, on i go, giving the odd blast of the cans. 

yes, i think that is a vague reflection of moi in the image above.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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