Thursday, September 19, 2019

return to rik


more of our recent(ish) adventure in london, look you see. and a return to somewhere that is phenomenally dear to my heart, just as it is to millions of fellow fans around the world. indeed, as the title gives every indication, i was once more able to go and pay my most fondest of respects at the bench dedicated to the fond memory of The Rik Mayall.

this was the first time in just north of four years that chance had permitted me to go again. yes, indeed, if you click on the four years words in a different colour in the previous sentence, you will be whisked away to 2016 for my first ever visit to the place.

as you may note, gone now are the many, many gestures of love and goodwill previously left at the site. none, perhaps, are as missed quite so much as the massive pair of underpants, but all were very special to see. it was inevitable, for such is the way of the world and life on it, that the tributes would eventually cease, but at the least the magnificent plaque remains.

indeed, aye, to be sure, that is very much my (considerably) better half, nonchalantly enjoying some (expensive) london coffee as she makes her first pilgrimage to the Rik Mayall memorial bench. she was kind of curious as to why i always wished to stop at Hammersmith tube station, but to be fair she is also a fan of His Greatness. well, who isn't?

my favourite Rik work? sadly to be topical, not (p)Rik out of The Young Ones, as much as i love that. no, for me, he is forever Colin Grigson, king of the bass. closely followed by (Sir) Richard Richard, gynaecologist extraordinaire, out of Bottom and the masterpiece of cinema which is Guest House Paradiso. further, his unassuming, modest and quite understated autobiography, Bigger Than Hitler, Better Than Christ, is quite likely the greatest work of literature ever produced.

not really all that Rik related, but i do appreciate that there is a finite number of images of me you are prepared to tolerate in one post. many consider that them peculiar people down in "that there london place" think, see and view things quite differently from the rest of the (real) world. above is proof, perhaps? i am certain that there are many reasons for the show Love Island being popular, with all of them being related to the promise of nudies. but no, for the people of london, apparently the show is popular only because of the cost of opera tickets these days. go figure.

for those of you with very specific and (quite) peculiar tastes, how about a selfie of me in Hammersmith, with another iconic landmark of this wonderful place in view?

yes, indeed, that is the Hammersmith Apollo behind me. better known, of course, as the Hammersmith Odeon. it is a venue i have never had the pleasure of seeing a gig at as such, but i am quite aware of the legendary gigs which have happened there. the best known, perhaps, was the last ever Ziggy Stardust gig by David Bowie, immortalised in the motion picture, erm, Ziggy Stardust The Motion Picture.

regular readers will be wondering if our recent adventures in london led to a meeting with that most celebrated and treasured of its residents, Spiros of London. indeed it did, and yes, he agreed to take a moment from his busy schedule of fighting black cab drivers to attend the Rik Mayall Memorial Bench with us.

nice one, i am sure you will all agree. well, maybe not all. but all of you who are enthusiastic followers of Spiros and his wonderful adventures, probably.

right, well, anyway, that would be about that. sorry if the writing here is a bit duller than usual, or even more duller than usual, but i figured that just the one pic of the plaque on the Memorial Bench would be the point of sole interest anyhow. and why not.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!