Friday, June 14, 2024


तत्र नमस्कारः

it feels like a while since i have flexed (or showcased) my special talents within the realms of the dark arts. many reading this will simply assume that i had forgotten i had such. this is simply not so, look you see. with so many trials and tribulations on the go i have, as it happens, come under considerable pressure to once more dabble and see the unwritten as it is written. 

my reluctance to do so is pretty much down to existence. there is a subtle yet obvious differential between not caring much what happens to one and one willingly pursue a course of action which sees their present scientific status of immortal being tested. it is so that when i am approached to delve there exists at least two possible outcomes. one is going to make someone very, very happy, with the other making them very, very upset. possibly even quite cross. giving them the unwritten as written means that someone somewhere may well vent their fury at moi

but, that said, why not give a general (or vague) answer to particular questions. to this end (or effect) i have then summoned the cards to write that which is unwritten. and here, if you are ready, is what the cards said. well, eventually. 

with me not doing the cards for a bit i got somewhat carried away and tapped the deck four (4) times. that was of course discarded then, with another shuffle taking place, just the correct three taps being made and the resultant draw shown above. yes, in psychedelic mode. regular form of picture is below, if you so wish to see. 

one common misconception i get (a lot) about my special powers is the nature of unwritten. all is as it should be, and a future know. my powers just transform the unwritten to written. yes, people argue that no, it is all unwritten as they understand that term, and try to prove this by taking an action, or even saying something, that they declare to be "random" and impossible to have predicted or know. yet what they did believing to be random was precisely what their destiny was to do. 

sadly no, i cannot give you my interpretation of the cards above. well, actually, no, yes, i could but i am not going to do so. it is for you to see what is unwritten and written in them. 

right, hopefully that has given at least one (1) person what they wished of me. if more, great. 

परस्परं उत्तमाः भवन्तु!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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