Thursday, August 22, 2019



one thing that i endeavour to do is try and keep this blog as "suitable for all" as possible, look you see. beyond the fact that one gets knacked for putting overt or if you like explicit content on these free sites, and in doing so i would risk some 15 years of my musings being deleted, i would suggest (argue, perhaps) that there is plenty of filth out there on the internet. simply put, there is no need for me to add more.

every now and then, though, something crops up which i feel compelled, or in some instances obliged, to share here. this is despite it all being something meant for a most decidedly mature audience. although not specifically sophisticated to. it is such, or so, that this is an example of this kind of occasion.

so that i may be fair to all reading this that would not wish to see anything what might upset them, know now that all below the rather splendid image off that boss barman and dancer out of The Love Boat should be read with caution, and entirely at your own risk. all on you, then, so please complain not if you pursue browsing here.

yes, indeed, i would love to pull off having a most smart moustache like that, but i fear my face is entirely the wrong shape. if i attempted such a facial hair styling i dare say that the end product would be me looking like some sort of reject from the blue oyster bar. no, don't bother leaving a message, i know full well some of you would say i look as such anyway.

right, then, on to the point of this. or, if you like, the "good stuff". quite often Spiros and i shall discuss and indeed disseminate matters of world news and current affairs. generally we shall do this in a way which shuns or ignores the "mainstream" or widely consulted media and news outlets, for we both tire of their hidden agendas and fake news.

for us it is far better to consult the more dangerous, braver and decidedly off the beaten track providers of news. they tend to, without fear, show the stories that others do not, with their opting not to born of a fear of upsetting advertisers and losing political influence. in respect of this, here is a story that is a classic example of an important story being overlooked by all but one news outlet.

indeed, credit and thanks to the final bastion of journalistic truth which is the Sunday Sport for shedding light on this well buried story. shame on you, other news sources (and in particular the bbc, who should know better) for not having the courage to spread word of this important victory in the presumably ongoing "war on terror".

a major point of discourse for me and Spiros, or Spiros and i, prompted by this story is just how often similar things to this happen. well, according to the Sunday Sport. we have not put any extensive research in, but it does feel as though once a month the Sport reports on someone, usually a gentleman, being "bummed to death" by a beast of the field, a bovine creature, a herbivore, a thoroughbred or wild member of the equine family or some source of aquatic based life. apparently this is a fairly routine, everyday thing to happen, yet no other newspaper ever seems to report on it.

the editorial decision to conceal the identity of the goat in this story was a perfectly understandable and wonderfully noble one. if Bin Laden's son was really too weak, too slow and just too stupid to outrun, outwit or outfight a goat, well then he got what he deserved and it is not the fault of the goat for doing what apparently comes naturally.

strictly speaking the above, out of Viz, is not a relatively new current affairs matter. it is, however, an excellent reference point for understanding some aspects of our current society, namely the guardian of language and morals that is Jacob Rees "mothaf*****g" Mogg. the above puzzle is quite an abstract form of stimulation for the mind, with the scenario presented being sort of like a metaphor for present day events. ergo, if one can solve the above, then one can also easily resolve the many ills and misfortunes of current society by applying the same logic to it. probably.

do i know how to solve the problem. yes, i do, and that is because the answer was printed on another page in the Viz, and i read it. doing so, sadly, robbed me of a potential learning experience and meant that i could not flex my lateral thinking, or whatever. to ensure you do not suffer so i shall not post any answers here, but may do later if there is interest, and indeed if i can be bothered.

an animated thing of that most righteous dude from The Love Boat to finish off? sure.

many thanks to whoever made that, it is proper smart, it is, to be sure.

right, well, that will do. hopefully this hasn't upset anyone, but if it has, well, then they probably should not have read it.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!