well, as regular readers of this blog, and indeed those who follow me on the grand social network, shall be aware, ex-Frankie Goes To Hollywood songwriter and guitarist, now respected solo artist Nasher made his "online gig" debut last night. i was, in the virtual sense, there of course! this post is my review of both the gig and the event itself, and i trust you know well enough that this shall not be a negative review.

first up and a comment on the video & audio quality presented by those who hosted this event, Stage It. i confess i was a bit concerned about the kind of quality i get - i am, after all, technically in a Third World country, and the definition of "broadband" here is what the more "developed" world would consider to be quite slow. i'm delighted to report that it all went very, very smoothly indeed - sure, the "feed" froze twice on me, but as it turns out, only when it froze for everyone else in the world!
the screenshots here are compressed pics of what i managed to grab during the gig, but even in this reduced quality state i hope it shows how decent the feed was. the audio was no problem at all - partially i suppose because i had it blasting through two massive JVC speakers via the conduit of a Technics amp, but mostly because Nasher is of course a quality guitarist and singer.

the gig itself? well, what can i say! what was scheduled to be a 30 minute set followed by an encore or two turned into a mega, mega, mega, mega fan fest, running for close to two hours! when it became clear that the hosts of the gig weren't terminating the feed (i assume Nasher gave them an estimated time), he just decided to carry on for as long as he could, or at least until the rather nice bottle of red he had with him ran a bit too low.

as for the songs, what an exceptional selection. it was built up mostly from the three superb solo albums Nasher has released to date, but one or two as yet unreleased numbers and indeed some songs very familiar to the whole world, but more on that later.
highlights from his solo songs were certainly A Girl Like You, King For A Day and the absolutely excellent Top Of The Pops Again. one of the greatest ever unreleased songs in the history of recorded music, England In The Rain, got played twice, much to the joy of everyone in general and a wonderful lady in Canada in particular (hi Vickie!).
and yes, of course, there were some Frankie numbers. i should not, perhaps, say "of course", though. Nasher's relationship with the impressive, perhaps daunting legacy of Frankie Goes To Hollywood is fascinating when compared to how other artists deal with or view their previous work. he feels no obligation to speak of the Frankie days or play the songs, as in there is no "oh, do i have to". he doesn't play them just to draw attention to his solo stuff or to appease the fans, either - he plays them because he still loves the songs the band created and, rightly, is obviously proud of the songs he crafted and created as part of the band. to that end, we were treated to The Power Of Love, a most impressive go at Maximum Joy (you go and listen to the lavish produced album version and see if you could work out how one man and an acoustic guitar can try and do it!) and indeed Welcome To The Pleasuredome, sounding particularly awesome stripped down to the bones.
a few astonishing and surprising cover songs cropped up too, but i am not prepared to name them, lest i give "spoilers" for those of you who did not watch this gig and wish to click on the links for the next one!

other than the outstanding music, the best part of the evening was the interactive chat nature of it all. we were sending messages to Nasher and each other as he was on the go. i know that interactive online chat is nothing new, but my word what fun we had with it! for me it was just excellent hearing Nasher playing live once again (i have not done so, after all, since Jan 10 1987), to share the experience and chat with fellow fans, having a bit of a laugh and praising the artist in equal measure (well, ok, maybe more of the having a laugh side), made it a just about perfect evening.
Nasher's currently talking about doing one of these every two weeks. erm, yeah. whereas no doubt i would click on every two weeks if he does, i dare say if he does that he shall run the risk of tiring himself and his audience out. every 3 - 4 weeks, if not monthly, might be a wiser approach, but who am i to tell a music legend how often he should perform?
i cannot encourage you enough to join us for his next live session, and indeed to browse around the Stage It site to see if there are any other artists you like who perform on there. it really is an ace experience!
if for some reason Nasher, and indeed the rest of the audience, are reading this - cheers for a most excellent, top night of quality music and fun conversation!
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice review can't wait for another one :-)
what a night ......
outstanding experience
ttfn,, Pleasurehome
I thought Nasher (Brian Nash) looked a little old and tired.
My friend and I almost fell asleep.
me too fell asleep after two hours of it...
i am geuinely sorry to learn that Nasher did not keep your interest for as much of the gig as he could. i have no doubt he shall read this and be adding dry ice, go go girls and a laser show to the next gig; looking forward to seeing you all at it!
was a nice suprise hearing our brian cover the old david soul classic silver lady, and that tanita tikaram song too! we like! jennyx
brian nash or nasher as he was once known looked and sounded like george formby, i used to like george formby, so quite liked this, proper old time music.
nasher did'nt write power of love, cuz on my record it states the writers were: Peter Gill, Holly Johnson, Mark O'Toole. only, which is probably why nasher is not aloud to perform it on youtube peeps.
he does sound like dennis waterman, we like! didn't know that nasher didn't write the power of love though, bit dissapointed, why does he keep singing it then? he should do some more dennis waterman tunes, or maybe even jimmy nail numbers. what dya reckon peeps!
i wish you'd all use a name rather than Anonymous, but there you go.
and yes, certainly, if Nasher does Jimmy Nail's Ain't No Doubt and Dennis Waterman's I Could Be So Good For You at his next gig it could well be the greatest thing ever in the history of things that are the greatest thing ever.
was nasher singing jimmy nail then?
not as much as you might think in regards of Jimmy Nail songs as such, but one or two people clearly got some Nailesque tendencies from his tunes.
please check out this post - http://leericketts.blogspot.com/2012/01/for-jimmy-nail-and-dennis-waterman.html - you can follow the links on it and decide for yourself.
Yeah me too! I thought he sounded like a mixture of Dennis Waterman, Jimmy Nail, David Soul, and that bloke from that band PHD (if anyone remembers them!) Blimey, I'm showing my age now! Ha Ha!
oh YES! love to hear brian sing an old PHD number, i still have thier album somewhere, gives me goose bumps. love to hear nasher singing "i won't let you down again" come on brian, please learn this one!
I Won't Let You Down by PhD was a massive, massive hit when i was a kid living in Australia. great, great song and i would love to hear any version of it - if it's Nasher doing it well then so much the better.
I am not too familiar with the finder details of David Soul's music career.
jim demon was the chappy you were trying to think of, he was the lead singer from the band phd.
and yes he was a nice singer, very much like brian actually, i agree.
i have I Won't Let You Down on an excellent lp from Australia called 1981 Over The Top.
it's also got Jona Lewie's excellent Louise on it. i think i will give it a play this evening.
oh and by the way here's the label for the 7" of The Power Of Love
my eyes may be wonky, but i am sure that's Brian Nash's name i see on the credits. not sure why some of you have copies that do not feature his name, but there you go from the original release.
Lee & guys, guys, please it was Jim Diamond, not Demon!
But yes agreed, great great singer, and very reminiscent
of Nasher. Don't forget that superb solo hit he had too,
"I Should Have Known Better" I'm certain Brian could nail that tune too!Go Brian!
Lee, love Jona Lewie's music, maybe brian could cover his is well.
Hi there
well, there you go! had no idea it was the same Jim Diamond of I Should Have Known Better fame that was also PhD. never too old to learn!
i have forwarded the requests for Dennis Waterman, Jimmy Nail, David Soul and PhD covers through what i feel is an appropriate channel to Mr Nasher. fingers crossed that you are happy with what you hear at his next gig.
i agree, Jona Lewie is one of the greats that should be remembered at bit better than is presently the case. Louise is an awesome song.
and please consider putting a name in your post, even if it's an alias or just plain made up. we're all friends here.
hi lee, i didn't know you knew brian, wow! that all sounds wonderful. if you see/speak to brian, please show him this, i find it on youtube;
i think he could do this song justice. cheers, love from carolx
Hi Carol
i wouldn't say that i know Nasher all that well, it's just that he is really good in regards of chatting to fans and answering questions when he can, either through his gigs or on the social networks.
i can't access your link right now, but i will look later on and post it on. you never know, he may read it here himself.
Hi there
Nasher is quite happy to see so many people comment on his stuff and thanks all for the support.
at this stage his plan is to do the whole of Ripe, his debut solo album, at the next gig but he's also not against the odd request or cover.
keep checking in at this blog for dates when he will be appearing online next.
Darren Says:
I honestly don't believe that that bloke is the real lead guitarist from frankie goes to hollywood,
because the original chap had long ginger hair, and didn't look Chinese? oriental? like this chappy does.good tribute though, but not the real brian hash.
Hi Darren
fair and perfectly valid observations, but it really is him - he had to change his appearance somewhat to avoid the certainly unsolicited and somewhat explicit attention of several groupies.
Ya all wrong, cuz Ged O'Toole was the original lead guitarist, followed by that ginger brian hash fella, he was then booted out, & Ged returned as the original guitarist again. God only knows who this oriental fella is, but it sure ain't neither of the above. Regards, Dave.
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here's the real Brian Nash, don't know who the rest of em are.
Becky said: i thought Nasher (or Brian Nash) was rather poody, but please don't tell him that.
Becky, i am uncertain at what being "poody" entails and further do not think the internet is the best place to put a message that one does not want others to be aware of, but i shall do my best to abide by your wishes. being several thousand miles away from him shall invariably make compliance a good deal easier.
Colin Says: Nasher? I thought I was watching Wallace & Gromit
that's not the bloke from FGTH that's for sure!
Matt said:
I'm not sure what gig of nasher's this is regarding, but there seemed to be a lot of "Jiggery Pokery" going on with regards to his singing. Eg; 2 & 3 part harmonies coming from one microphone...."Talent boosters" I think they call them, and hardly live in the truest sense...Even miming perhaps???
Hi Matt
Nasher is doing two gigs on the Stage It site this Sunday, 25 March 2012. come along and judge for yourself!
same invite to you, Colin.....
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