Saturday, August 10, 2019

low art on a high bridge

hi there

i am not so sure the title is correct for this post, look you see. would one describe a bridge as being high, i wonder? perhaps a more accurate description is that it is tall, i don't know. but i do like the technical aspects, or semantics, or even "aesthetics" maybe, of how this title looks and sounds.

which makes it all the more of a bit of a pity that it is a title for a post that, mostly, is junk. not worth the time of anyone in itself, really. although perhaps that is just me being judgemental. here, have a look.

that, as i trust you could see for yourself, is quite a high (tall) bridge. bloody big, one might say, if one was of a mind to use such crass vulgarities in a descriptive way. and why not. the focus, though, is not on how big and massive the bridge is, or what would be the best way to describe it, but the graffiti which has sullied, tarnished and ruined it.

yes, graffiti is a scourge in our society, a menace, it should be wiped out, perpetrators of it should be arrested and sent to penal colonies to break rocks, etc. moving on from that, well, some of it is most impressive, i suppose, in terms of artistic merit, striking style, etc. this example is very much an example or instance of this being decidedly not the case.

i mean, that is just rubbish, isn't it? all that mess painted on the side of the bridge does is disgrace and tarnish the name of the "artist". the only thing anyone who sees that is going to do is go "ha ha ha, what a w@nker", and then move on with their lives. low art sort of covers it, but also insults actual proper low art.

so why have i bothered you with it? because of the height of the bridge. i mean, presumably, the "artist" had to climb over and stand on a rather thin ledge to paint this. why on earth would you risk falling, either totally knacking yourself to death or being like totes sore and probably wheelchair bound from then onwards, just to paint that rubbish? as far as i can see there isn't even a decent obscenity included in the scrawl.

right, well, that's more than enough on this subject i would think. there's some sort of saying from one of the Caesar dudes about how if you must break the law do it to seize power, in all other cases observe it. it's fair to suggest that this drivel painted on a high bridge gives much credit to that saying, is it not?

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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