Monday, August 26, 2019

a calvin and hobbs christmas special


quite recently (in the past, look you see) i observed a promotional trailer for a motion picture which looked like it might well be entertaining. i am now at that stage of life where i am content to hear something, half recognize it and thus forever associate it with some memory. so, i was under the impression that i had seen a trailer for a film called A Calvin and Hobb(e)s Christmas Special, although it did not immediately appear to concern a young boy and his (possibly imaginary) tiger chum.

as it turns out, what i saw a trailer for was in fact Fast & Furious Presents Hobbs & Shaw, which it seems is a much more sensible title for a film not featuring a young lad and his tiger. that, or this, then, is the film which we all went off to the movies to see, and so here shall be a quasi sort of kind of review of it, for your consideration.

the best thing i could do at this stage, i guess, is a quick overview sort of thing. having not (so far as i am aware) ever seen a single Fast & Furious film (i believe there are at least 8), in no way did i feel disadvantaged watching this. it was all easy enough to follow, and apparently nothing obvious or essential requires you to have seen a single one. well, i was able to enjoy it.

enjoy it i did. this was wonderful stuff - very funny, exceptionally well paced (impressive in itself since the film runs north of two hours) and reasonably engaging. much of this is down to what they call the "chemistry" between the ostensible two leads, Jason Statham and Dwayne Johnson. they are rather good - if not quite De Niro / Grodin in Midnight Run good, but nothing ever shall be so - and yes, i could watch any number of films in which they call each other "w@nker" and beat others, each other and themselves up in the future.

plot? not sure it is relevant, but something something supervirus, something something terminator style robot human baddie, something something sister, something something save the world. it's like the intention of the film is just to entertain against the backdrop of a reasonably coherent gesture of an idea of a story; should you insist on a film you watch having a substantial well structured plot behind it then give this a miss.

trailers? quite interesting really. it felt very much like the film industry, or if you will hollywood, has decidedly gone back to the 80s. to this end we had trailers for a new Terminator film (looks awful), a new Rambo film (actually looks good but also it seems like it doesn't reasonably or logically follow on in the style of the titular character), a new (kind of) Batman film (as in Joker, and it looks like at the least a great performance off of Mr Phoenix) and a new Star Wars film (it surely cannot be all that much worse than Last Jedi or Solo).

yes, that's the receipt from the concessions stand. sure, everything is overpriced, etc, but i have just put it in to give you an extra picture rather than go over the usual, global complaints.

something of interest to me was seeing this Idris Elba bloke. it is only recently that i have gotten around to watching that whole Luther series, and it was quite good. now i get the clamour for him to be both the "next" and "first black" James Bond; it is all down to how he just acts exactly the same in everything he is in, so is the perfect tribute act to Roger Moore.

anyway, i could bore you with trivia such as how this was the first time i have seen a Jason Statham film at the cinema which did not co-star Vinnie Jones, but that would just bore you. for what such an insight or observation is worth, i and the rest of the family really enjoyed this movie, whatever the correct title of it happens to be.

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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