Nǐ hǎo
and so once again, look you see, our friends towards the east have elected to make me their conduit for a message. this is nothing new, of course, but this one is perhaps timely.
whereas by this stage one would assume that all and sundry are now truly tired of all this "brexit" business, in particular with regards to the "brexit means brexit" and "leave means leave" definitions that tend not to be quite so dictionary defining as you might expect, for the most part the Chinese have been quite quiet. that is, at least, until now.
yes, as usual they, being the Chinese, have elected to send me on their message to you, the people, via an encoded message sealed within one of them "fortune cookie" things. it is reasonably often that they pass them on to me in this way. whilst i am supposed to share them all here, normally i just forget to do so, and bin them. there is every chance that the Chinese are quite cross at me for doing so.
in this instance, however, i thought it prudent, or best, to make sure i conveyed the message they clearly wanted to send. the importance of this one can be observed or noted in the fact that it is so that the Chinese have presented the message in all of the major European languages, as well as in French.
so, there you have it. the message of hope from the Chinese. all events are blessings given to us to learn from is what they have to say to us. said it they have, it is entirely now down to us to listen to it, if we so wish.
there is every chance that the Chinese may elect to present further correspondence to me, so that i may share it here. if they do so, i will certainly be ready to make every effort to share it, so long as i do not throw it out prior to capturing a quick image.
duì bǐcǐ hěn hǎo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!