Sunday, September 01, 2024

aquatic wood hedgehog sighting


yes, this is all maybe on a subject i have written of before. well, not quite the same, but similar, look you see. for those who like fancy terms, it's all about something along the lines of pareidolia and apophenia. if you are one of them ones that don't care for fancy terms, preferring more straightforward things, it's that thing when (or where) you "see" something in a pattern that isn't deliberately there, but either your mind has made an association or someone has pointed it out. 

no, the above doesn't feel like i have made it any clearer. perhaps the most common way the above is expressed, or occurs, is "seeing the face of Jesus". indeed i do mean that Jesus. off the top of my head, or from memory, it is most common for someone to "see" the face of Jesus in patterns on a piece (or plank) of wood, or (believe it or not) a piece of toast. mostly this is psychological association to rationalise and interpret in the mind, rather than it actually being the case that an image of the face has deliberately appeared there. 

let me try and untangle this (on the off chance you are still reading) with an example. of sorts. and one which doesn't feature Jesus or any other such religious / historical figure. 

i noticed the above, although (obviously) i didn't see it in VHS mode, recently. this was once again sat by the river where i recently lost a cigarette. should for some reason you be interested in that exploit then i think it was three or four posts previous to this. anyway, with my packet of cigarettes reasonably secure in a trouser pocket, i looked over (or across) the water and saw the above. 

perhaps (or maybe) it's just a case of how my mind makes associations, but to me the way that trunk of a tree had come to rest gave the appearance of a hedgehog, apparently merrily enjoying the water. yes there is a somewhat (slightly) clearer image lower down, as well as some (VHS mode) video. but, hopefully you can see, just middle off right in the below, what looks like a hedgehog "snout" and spiny back. 

considering i don't have that much to say here, beyond "i saw some wood in a river and it vaguely looked like a hedgehog", i thought it wise to try and "spice" this up. for this i went to the "what 3 words" website, to see if something similar to my post title came up with an interesting place in the world. nearest closest i could find for you was water.tree.hedgehog, which is apparently, on the map of all things what 3 words, close to Port Elizabeth in the Grenadines. 

beyond it being extremely useful, from time to time, at verk, there isn't all that much else i could tell you about the what 3 words thing. you would be better having a gander at their website. well, yes, ok, there was that time we doctored a screenshot, so for a lot longer time than you might think Spiros believed the what 3 words location for his house was 

really not sure the (VHS mode) video above adds anything. maybe a moving visual might let someone see the hedgehog i saw in the river, although it wasn't a hedgehog. mostly, i suppose, i kind of keep forgetting that i spent money on that VHS mode camera, so it's nice to use when i remember it is there. 

great is the number of things what i miss, that i am aware of no longer being a present in my life, whilst remaining in my place of exile. on a list of such things one would very much find the inclusion of not being able to see Spiny Norman rambling around the garden from time to time. or members of the Spiny Norman family, as we were sure a clan resided in the bushes. or overgrowth or, oddly enough, old tree stump. perhaps, now i think, that's all become an association thing what led me to interpret what i saw as a sort of quasi hedgehog natural carving in the river. 

above is the previously promised (rather) poor quality "zoom in" picture i took. the more i look at it the more i remain convinced of the hedgehog like nature of the appearance. 

for how long will i be able to see this hedgehog in the water? as in, for real and not just in the pictures, or video, i have taken? these things they go away. i believe this is what they call "driftwood". whereas right now it is in some way "fixed" or lodged in a place, it is so that the tides shall, eventually, take it away. but how lovely that i got to see it whilst there. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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