Sunday, October 30, 2022

what's the time

spooky greetings

well, no. i wasn't, as it happens, looking for a wall clock as such, look you see. but, well, now i have one, and am aware that yes, i very much did want one in my life. no, not just any wall clock, but quite specifically this one. 

some background, of sorts, then. when out and about on my travels across the land i am (quite) partial to taking a break and having a look around charity shops. mostly, true, this is in pursuance of more tapes (discs) to play as i drive about for verk. rather rare for me to look at anything but such, but in rare instances, every now and then, something catches my eye. 

i saw this clock from a vague distance, and went "hey, that looks a bit like what i think it is, but no, surely such a thing would not be sat here, donated for sale for a good cause". on getting closer, yes, as it turns out, someone had donated a wall clock which featured a face in the style (pattern) of the world famous, if you will iconic, carpet pattern off of The Shining

deciding pretty much instantly, then, that yes, this would be mine, i enquired as to the cost or price of this fine item. the staff said they were not at all sure if it worked or not, but if i wished to take ownership then the price was £1. knowing full well that if it didn't work then it would be going on the wall anyway, with a rather specific time on display, i happily bought it. great for whatever cause i supported, for i have forgotten, but excellent stuff for me. 

yes, indeed it does work, and would (thus far) appear to be keeping the correct time. but of course, for fun and as requested in one of them social media groups dedicated to Kubrick, here it is, more or less set at the time which would represent a quite specific number associated with the motion picture. 

as it happens, by co-incidence, i have also recently re-watched this film, for the first time in many years. perhaps for the first time this century, as it happens. no doubt my musings or considerations on it, after all these years, shall feature in one of them "mega" posts on things what i have watched. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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