recently, out of boredom or just curiosity, i was reading a fairly old periodical. magazine, if you will, although in a digital format. online, look you see. not sure if you've tried this "internet" thing, dear reader, but yeah, give it a go, some fascinating stuff on it.
anyway, i was reading away (or browsing), admiring the quality photography which accompanied some text or other, and then i noted an advert. bearing in mind that this was from 38 years ago, or 1984 to clarify we now stand, at time of publication, in 2022, it seemed to suggest why one particular problem exists today. a problem in the UK, if nowhere else.
oh. so is that perhaps why, then. let me explain. a constant predicament, if not frustration, for me (and i suspect many others) is that very nearly (nigh on) all deodorants, or "body sprays" available for sale in the united kingdom tend to have a "musk" scent. this is either of a quite slight, very strong or flat out full tilt one hundred percent nature. is this all down to a self fulfilling prophecy thing, i now wonder. we, or rather a company operating and speaking on our behalf apparently hawked a musk smell as being very much "it" to the americans, so they have reciprocated by selling it back.
meanwhile, yes, of course, my reading of publications from a more enlightened time led to me seeing those things that we cannot see no more. except that you would not rule out the incumbent, if not present, uk government undoing. which might be the one good thing they could or would do. anyway, of course i speak of a time when grown up people were allowed to make their own decisions, and so no it was simply not so that cigarette advertising was banned, or particularly conditional.
i think, to cover myself including that, i have to say that smoking is very silly and probably quite bad for you, so you are encouraged to either not take up the hobby, no matter how enjoyable it or, or otherwise seek to quit, no matter how difficult that is.
the world is far duller now that we don't have class adverts like this one. imagine the days of excess when one would take a bunch of cowboys up a mountain (or hill) via helicopter and take a picture of them, for reasons no further than art and selling some fags to we, the people.
with adverts like this no longer allowed it does make the choice of cigarettes for people, such as moi, all the more difficult. rather than considering which ones have the smartest adverts, one is now compelled, if not obliged, to make a choice of cigarettes only on the basis of which are the cheapest, or which ones are available via independent importers what, in a deft and useful way, bypass needless taxes.
unless i am quite mistaken that advert above, which was facing page top left to the one for the musk business, is for a karaoke machine (kind of) prior to such things being widespread. widespread in what one may call "western" culture, at the least. not sure when, exactly, they became the thing to do in a proper sense in the place of origin (japan), but i don't rightly remember them being an actual thing in early to mid 80s. perhaps they were, and i just wasn't paying attention.
can, or could, adverts for fags (cigarettes, americans and not what you are thinking) ever be misleading? surprisingly yes, it seems. here, have a look at this one. being mindful, of course, that smoking is quite dangerous, bad for you, etc.
just noticed the fellow advertising that musk aftershave looks a bit like one of the actors, for want of a better word, in Big Splash, a film that Spiros is a big, big fan of. let me forward it on to him and see if it is him, although from what i recall it wasn't his face that Spiros was interested in.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!