Friday, April 01, 2022

ha ha ha he he he i'm the laughing gnome and you can't catch me

howdy pop pickers

well, the things that one forgets. recently i got an email off of the Bowie Estate. yes, i like to think these all come direct from Iman, look you see, but probably not, no. surprisingly this mail was not an offer, or invitation, to spend a lot of money on some other things they had randomly decided to write "Bowie" on, but instead a follow up to their poor efforts to make amends for an ill-advised campaign from a little while ago. 

oh, yes. we are, dear reader, if you are still reading, back in the realm (or world) of all that Brilliant Live Adventures stuff. you remember, that "limited edition" release of some varying quality recordings of Bowie live in the 90s. an expert campaign in alienating and annoying fans, whilst making opportunistic types selling copies fairly rich. 

all of them sold out (eventually), with a hefty chunk of the "limited edition" discs ending up in the hands of people who bought them purely to sell them on for a tidy (as in large) profit. i was fortunate to get the first five from the Bowie site, with the sixth (reluctantly) obtained off of a seller not looking to get too large a profit. to try and address the distress this caused, last year (nearly a year ago) they asked us, the fans, for an "expression of interest" in buying them if they made more copies available. this was followed by absolute silence, until now. 

so, some eight (8) months after asking us to express interest in giving them money, they have remembered to kind of get in touch, indicating that they might let people buy them in another 8 (eight) or so months. lovely stuff. 

for those interested, here you go, an overview of all six (6) volumes. one is brilliant, one is worthwhile as it has Strangers When We Meet on it, the other four, well, if they were never ever released then the world would seem just the same, quite the same. 

let us not get too excited waiting for more information about all of this. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!