Wednesday, March 30, 2022

film alphabet

hello once more

pretty much does what it says in the title, this post does. a film alphabet, look you see, or if you like the alphabet presented in film. 

not just any old films, mind. well, yes, ones which have titles that (allowing for not counting the odd "a" or "the") commence with specific letters of the alphabet, but also all ones what are from the 60s. this is at least what the poster (or print) says.

i was strolling out and about (as opposed to strolling inside) when this poster, or framed print, caught my eye in a charity shop window. no way was i leaving that behind, then. the aesthetics really drew me in, and the fact that it is some sort of game (in a sense) is a bonus. 

yes, of course the first image of it is in the greater good and glory of Commodore 64 mode, but there is a proper, almost clear look at it below. 

sorry, seems a bit blurry and dark, now that i look. oh well, it is there now, and see my picture taking abilities (i am reluctant to use the word skills) as added to the challenge. feel free to have a go at working out all the titles, i shall post the answers (which are handily attached to the back of the print) in some later post. this should give a vague sense of "interactive" on this blog, maybe. 

quite happy with that procurement. very happy, actually, the more i look at it the more i love it. and, of course, am wondering if i can find 70s and 80s versions of it. maybe 90s too. i shall have to work on some space on walls if so. 

UPDATE  for anyone interested, answers (and clearer pic) can be found via clicking here

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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