Thursday, April 28, 2022

lost lonely battered ball on stagnant suffolk stream


just pretty much, or more or less, look you see, what it says as the title. once more i have, on my travels, stopped to consider something that i presume to assume normal, well balanced people not in need of any help would ignore, or glance at and pass by. this does not seem, appear or indeed feel to be the way i go about such matters. 

recently, then, i found myself in suffolk. which part? all of it. due to just following rudimentary address details and postcodes sadly no, i do not know the specifics. but i do know i had reason to stop by, or beside, what was clearly a body of water. i glanced over the edge of the bank, then, to see what i could see. 

mostly, then, i observed stagnant water. if that is the correct term. although in real terms false, the water simply did not seem to move. so far as i am aware, there is always some form of "movement" on the go, even in those still waters what the saying states run deep. no ripples or obvious signs of movement, then, and no discarded debris or similar flowed along. 

which leads one (or me) on to the ball i saw. clearly a football, if not all that clear in the greater good and glory of Commodore 64 mode, but there it was. and is, in a picture below, somewhere. or above if you have somehow mastered reading this upside down. 

exactly what i was hoping to capture, or present, with some animated "gif" stuff is, alas, a bit of a mystery. i mean, if the water was stagnant and the ball not moving, what was the point, i wonder, of trying to do a bit of video? as you can see, i countered that by waving my phone, which has a camera welded on it, about some, so as to give a sense of movement. kind of. 

the ball was unmistakably a football. quite the classic one used by schoolchildren, for a number of the leather (or what have you) panels had come off of it. perhaps the distressed, battered state of it was why it had been discarded. my suspicion is no, for as it was inflated, it was still perfectly viable to have a kickaround (or kickabout) with it. i am fairly sure this ended up here as a matter of being considered irretrievable, and thus abandoned. 

no idea why my mind should wander, or i end up affected so, when i see such things. well, maybe i do. perhaps one day i shall learn to not see such things, or not stare too long. i cannot help but feel a sense of sadness, a child somewhere upset having lost this ball. sure, one could say "just a ball", and in this modern world everything can be replaced, or dispensed. look at the ease with which i am of the latter. but for many, i would think (hope), sentiment exists. a sentiment of sorrow, a feeling of loss. there are things i have lost over the years, recent and far, far away, that i feel so of. 

right, probably quite (or more than) enough of a confession for one post, even if some just dismiss as trivial, or irrelevant. undoubtedly, should i see anything else of interest, or causing pause, yes, i will post here. what else would i do with such thoughts. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!