Friday, January 14, 2022

and when i call you on the phone


of all the phones what i have had, there is really only one that i actually miss. that would, of course, be the blueberry, or blackberry, or whatever they were called, look you see. an actual, proper phone, with buttons and that, which was "smart" and did all that you required without distractions. in quite a remarkable example of many of the faults in this world in this century (thus far), for some reason it went from being the best and most desirable phone going to obsolete and a laughing stock very quickly. 

loathe and reticent to indulge "conspiracy theories" and other such rubbish as i may be, every now and then one of them seems valid. the fate of the blackberry appears to fall into this rare category. authorities, the powers that be or if you will the ruling classes didn't care much for the blackberry, for the security (encryption) and messaging system brought together on the device was impossible to access, monitor or what have you. i seem to recall the constabulary being quite distressed at the use of them, according to them at least, in coordinating the so-called 'london riots' of 2011, or thereabouts.

next thing you know, say in or around 2011, 2012 maybe, backed by a suspiciously widespread media wave, the blackberry was considered "out" and others "in". all of a sudden the thing for one and all to do was get something called an "android" phone, or one of them "itwat" ones. strange, as one has to recall that at that time neither, in particular the awful first variation of the "itwat", could do a fraction of what the blackberry could. except, of course, these phones were relatively easy to track and crack, with both the location of the device and what it was being used for all to easy to access. 

this is all likely a comment, observation or even (if we are honest) rant i have had before. it all came back to me, however, when by chance i saw, on that there internet thing, this wonderful advert for what i shall take as a given as being a pirate, or independently produced, blackberry variation. 

no, alas, i never owned a "blockberry" phone. quite a pity, especially as it for some reason appeared to use the windows operating system, and further seemed to be endorsed by he who is likely to go down as the last ever vaguely, partially fondly remembered president of america. it is easy to forget that barack was quite the fan of the blackberry too. his successor, that donald bloke, was the personification of the poster boy for all things "itwat", which you would also think would give some pause for thought. 

would i have much (if any) interest in getting my hands on one of these "blockberry" things? of course, if it was cheap. should or could be a laugh to see what it is all about. yet the likelihood is limited, for obtaining pirate versions of phones is not all that easy, especially not ones what are around, more or less, a decade old and for versions of devices no longer popular. but, if i saw one, sure. 

a lovely thought to conclude this post on is for you to know that should you be reading this on a mobile device, them what built and run said device are watching you. no huge alarm bells need ring, for the only interest they have is trying to work out what else they can try and sell you in adverts based on your  looking at this. good luck with that. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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