Thursday, November 17, 2022

rainbow of the moon

hello there

a rare instance, this, of me regretting not having a phone what has a more better camera welded to it. normally what i have is up to the task (or job) of what i need it to do, look you see. in this instance, though, something better would have made this post a bit more interesting. still, let me press on.

so, one evening fairly recently (within two weeks of this being published) i had every reason to be outside momentarily. the reason is rather inconsequential, but if you must, i was doing my part to prop up the much maligned tobacco industry. on gazing towards the sky i did a slight bit of a sort of gasp thing, i suppose. the moon was quite bright, and what was unmistakably an imperfect yet still there circular rainbow appeared around it. 

obviously i took out my phone, swore at it a bit when it wouldn't open due to typing errors with the password, and tried to take some images. note tried. what you shall see, if you look, isn't all that good, but i did my best. mostly trying to switch the f*****g flash off was the issue, i think. and zoom.  

to the best of my knowledge, or as far as i can test the patience of my memory, no, i have not seen this phenomenon before. some research after the fact suggests to see a rainbow do (in the words off of an internet search) a halo around the moon is not that rare, but still. new one on me. 

in trying to fumble and take a decent image of it, indeed yes i managed to somehow make a brief video of it. by accident. just a second or two, but yes, we have got a video, and indeed it is below. on it you can here someone who stopped close by and also saw what i did, which kind of sort of suggests not all of it was happening in my head. 

weirdly, or with statistical fortune, i think one (as in you) can see what i am talking about a bit more better in the video. or not. 

how likely is it that i am going to spend swathes of coins of money on a "better" phone to document such things again in the future? not at all. it sometimes feels like it is, but it really is not the case that all has to be documented; sometimes things can just happen and be experienced without proof being taken of it all. says he who tends to fill this blog in a way what contradicts that. 

going on what i saw on my internet search, this "phenomenon" is caused by reflection, refraction, ice crystals, water in the air and optical illusion. well, not illusion as such, but still. undoubtedly it shall be so that some culture somewhere shall have placed great significance on this sort of thing being seen. what it means for me awaits discovery, i suppose. 

no, i have no idea what the bright (presumably) star is above the moon in these images. could be a planet, i suppose. my understanding of the geography of our own planet is a little wanting, so please don't expect any great knowledge off of me about so far from here. still, what an incredible thing it was i got to see, just briefly. as in yes, of course, once i got the camera sorted the phenomenon had moved on, or disappeared, or simply ended. nothing lasts forever. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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