Thursday, June 16, 2005


hi everyone

well, since i sent the link out to a load of people recently, i suppose i should try and keep everyone updated!

the news is that, well, there is no news. i may be tempted to the cinema again this year for something that is not Star Wars - this Batman Begins film looks rather smart.

my class Miami Vice DVD set should arrive tomorrow, along with a couple of discs that are not Miami Vice. nice one to Mrs R + 1 for buying it for me! she will be away on stocktaking duties, which means i can watch it this weekend. a strict condition of it being bought was that Mrs R + 1 did not have to see it. ever.

hmn, the new series of South Park features an episode called The Death Of Eric Cartman? bummer, man, that's a bummer.

be excellent to each other!!

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