Sunday, September 15, 2024

like a portrait in flesh

howdy pop pickers

well, a bit tricky to know how to classify this one. indeed this will all feature things what i have a proclivity for, but then there's a different, modern day dimension to it all, look you see. certainly this is as confusing as my opening paragraphs tend to be, but if you read on then it might make some sense. also it might not make any sense. 

it would be a truth universally acknowledged to state that me going off and purchasing some new music tapes (discs) is neither a surprise nor a new thing. less ("fewer") so, perhaps for me to do this when i have never even heard of the bands (or artists) in question, and not knowingly heard any of their music. what would compel me to make such "blind" purchases? actually deaf, not blind, for seeing is the key here. so yes, then, all of the albums in question featured (on the cover) nudies of the female variety. in all instances the artists who had gone done made the records, so far as i can tell. 

my main challenge here was taking some images to add for this which (kind of) showed the album artwork and yet (somehow) made this all reasonably safe for all to look at. i gave some consideration to using an image of Larry Grayson to "censor" things with, which i have gone done on previous posts, but i could not be bothered. let me hope the wonders of thermal and psychedelic mode on my phone camera thing has worked some wonders. 

no, i am not going to sit here and pretend that these albums all "just happened" to feature nudies. i see little sense in pretending or denying that i really rather like observing female nudies, it has always been very pleasing. this is not to say that i go around constantly (or perpetually) seeking out such, but yes it is all lovely when such sights come along. here's where the possibly most relevant aspect of this post comes along. whatever you may think i didn't sit there typing in "nude album covers" on a search engine. rather it was these albums found me off of internet adverts. 

this sequence of tapes (discs) with a common trend across album covers being bought all commenced with an advert off of HMV. such adverts pop up on my "facebook feed", for i have a pretty decent track record of clicking links to vibes and buying them i guess. anyway, in this instance HMV were having a sale, and the cover for If I Can't Have Love I Want Power off of Halsey caught my eye, since there was clearly one breast of female nature exposed on the cover. for a price of (just) south of £4 it seemed interesting enough to buy. 

upon receiving the album (via the miracle of postal services) and admiring the cover for a bit i looked at the notes. it turned out that this album was produced by some of the chaps out of Nine Inch Nails. had i been aware of such that (genuinely) would have been a selling point anyway, since i rather like the way Trent Reznor makes things sound. but yes, the cover is very nice indeed, sorry that i cannot show it off in full here for you. also having guest artists such as Lindsey Buckingham, Mike Garson and, to a lesser extent, Dave Grohl appearing on it makes me wonder how i missed the album on its initial release. 

not sure if there is any (or much) value in me trying to do a "review", as i would imagine much more better written ones are out there for your perusal. but, if it is of the slightest interest, happy days, as i really, really like this album. as in i played it through three or four times on getting it, and it's had a few spins over the last couple of months or so. 

how very interesting that, not long after clicking on the social media (facebook) link for that album, an advert for another tape (disc) featuring (female) nudies should appear for my (ahem) consideration. just a co-incidence? like, what when you have been talking about something with friends and all of a sudden you get adverts on websites (and apps) related to the subject of speaks? yeah. indeed this is the aspect which is likely to be of more interest than my proclivity for eroticism. 

so, the second (2nd) tape (disc) i bought purely for the somewhat provocative cover was Origin Of The Alimonies off of someone called Liturgy. indeed, in my ignorance, i wasn't immediately aware which was the name of the artist and which was the name of the album. pretty sure i have them the right way around now, apologies if not. whereas Halsey was on sale (i believe south of £5) it was not so for Liturgy. this once cost me slightly south of £15, but i was curious enough to buy. 

quite an interesting album, it is. not necessarily something i would have pursued in itself, but all the same a curious obsession with the female form in a natural state has opened a door to a different type of vibes experience. despite their being follow along lyrics in the book it is, to my ears, a fascinating instrumental work. a google search suggest Liturgy is something called "death metal" or "black metal". that may well be, i found it more of an esoteric jazz odyssey. of course i am far too thick to understand all of the overriding concept of the piece, but the atmospherics of the sound make it a most intriguing listen. rather good to have on as i read or write things, like for instance this. 

did i all of a sudden get any more adverts on facebook featuring (female) nudies on the cover. yes, indeed, of course i did. the next one to come along (so to speak) was End Of Everything by the rather curiously named Mega Bog. a slightly different sort of nudies, i suppose, as this was full tilt full on naked, presented in the form of a painting of the artist sans clothing or such garments. no, i did not really bother to look up or find out what sort of music it was, i just went why not and ordered. 

wise move, as wow. this is likely (probably) my favourite find of the four tapes (discs) in this sequence. and that's not to say any of them are bad. i am loathe to make comparisons to other artists, but for a feel, or if you will vibe, of End Of Everything, what struck me was a kind of quintessential sound of The Cure, or perhaps the more daring, artistic driven works of Depeche Mode that are found on the albums to the side of their more (devastatingly brilliant) accessible singles which draw people in. of all the releases bought for nudies on the cover this is the one i would say "go and buy" to anyone without the slightest hesitation. 

fourth, and so far final, one to get advertised to me (facebook again) was (is) Death By Rock and Roll off of The Pretty Reckless. as a clear indication that "they", them what do the advertising and that, have clocked my likelihood of purchasing nudies, they presented an advert which showed the cover, the disc and the fold out booklet, with the latter being the business end one (nude picture on it).

by no means it it a bad album, it's just a bit (or somewhat) curated for popular sensibilities. there's absolutely nothing wrong with artists trying to make a living, but at times it feels rather, well, contrived to be successful rather than being what the artist had in their heart. shout out, however, to one particular song on the tape (disc), 25. it starts with a quasi hint of the classic James Bond theme and very much comes across as one of the best Bond themes we (sadly) never got. 

and that seems to be it. for now. yes, indeed, facebook does keep showing me adverts for music, because that's clearly a "click rate conversion" or what have you box i tick. up to now, though, whilst some of the records (or tapes) advertised feature "raunchy" or "suggestive" covers, no others have had nudies (female) on them, so my bank account has not been troubled. quite likely this shall change. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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