Thursday, September 12, 2024

koala collection


yes, indeed it did fair dinkum occur to me to call this post koala kink or even koala kick for the alliteration, look you see, but ultimately neither felt right. nor, for that matter, any other "k" word. briefly i did consider calling it koala koala koala koala koala koala, so as to reflect the number of koala related items on display, but that just seemed silly. particularly when, if i was going to go that way, then i may well have been more better off calling it koalas

quite often it does rather feel that paragraphs such as the one above are (very much) conversations i am having with myself, for i have no one else to have such speaks with. perhaps that's why i still carry on writing here, who knows. habit, therapeutic, cathartic or plain on the off chance someone finds it all interesting, if even only in passing. 

moving on, then, or towards the (proposed) subject, and yes. koala related stuff, or if you will things of koalas. i appear, over the last twelve or so months, moved away from randomly collecting items of a hedgehog nature and towards items of a koala nature. as you can kind of see in the below picture, presented as it is in VHS mode. because why not. 

i suppose i have always had a soft spot for, if not outright fascination with, the wonders of the koala bear. this is not a subject which has always been at the forefront of my mind, and over the course of the last few decades i suspect i have gone an entire year, or two in a row, without even thinking about them. well, maybe, i can't remember so as fact, but there we are. and here we are. you should be able to make out a variety of koala related items, even if it is so that the majority are of the stuffed toy (or similar) variation of the theme. 

provenance is something i have assumed (likely incorrectly) a matter some are concerned with, so from the left and in a circumnavigatory "circular" or horseshoe way around, the impractical koala mug was off of Morrisons (£3 i think), the spherical one (billed as a stress ball but i am not squeezing it) was £6 and found on my travels for verk, the little blue one was a surprise find at a Japanese shop i was surprised to find in Portsmouth, the small but regular looking one was off of Edinburgh zoo, the large one was off of the market where i go to buy videos (discs) and tapes (discs) and the bedding was a recent online purchase, cost being less ("fewer") than a 'legal' packet of cigarettes in the UK. nope, no idea what anyone would do with this information, but do as you will. 

certainly it has occurred to me that my recent spate (of sorts) is some sort of filling the void exercise, perhaps even a deconstruction of the past (and who i am) whilst i remain in solitude in my place of exile. it could well be that i draw some level of comfort having them around, but no i am not (as of yet) at the stage where i sit them all around the tele with me. or have tea parties. that latter one sounds like fun, though. mostly i just think it's that they are cute, or lovely, looking, and it's pleasing to have them scattered around my home for the instances i am there. should some clever person have a better idea, or even understanding, of this well, good for them. 

now that i look at them, well, with the exception of the blue one (presumably blue to be symbolic of the general natural state of a koala to be stoned out of its bracket on the blue fumes emanating from eucalyptus trees), maybe it's the grey shade which all of a sudden appeals. whereas all is transient, and time as we know it is entirely a fabricated design just so we can clutch to something, i am now pretty much all grey and white too. hang on, no, this is all getting rather too close to suggesting i in some way do that "gender identify as a koala" business. probably not, then. 

for the two non stuffed (or cuddly) toy things, as mentioned the mug is woefully impractical. not sure why they make things like this. the top, as is the open bit of the chalice from where you are supposed to quaff, drink or sip, is all small and leaning inwards. usually i would spill drinks on myself anyway, but with this i might as well just pour it all over rather than even pretend to try and drink off it proper. likely i shall eventually just put it on display. although display for who(m) is a matter i would have no real notion of, since i get few ("less") visitors. the bedding is one i shall make use of later in the year, as opposed to doing so earlier in the year when i did not have it. 

well, that's that. some items to consider or even speculate about, or just a few pictures to have a bit of a fair dinkum gander at. should you have strayed here seeking affirmation for your own interest the the magical, whimsical ways of the koala bear, i really hope to have delivered. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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