Thursday, August 29, 2024

quite the throwback


something of a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one recently. this would be in relation to the announcement of a film of The Mandalorian And Grogu, which is a Star Wars thing, look you see. it is, i would imagine, if not based on then a continuance of the rather successful (and generally well reviewed) television (or "streaming") series of the more straightforward name The Mandalorian. also it's only coming out in about 2 (two) years from this being written, which is to say it's out in 2026. 

the "fun" or interesting part here is that, and i suspect this is rather deliberate marketing, the promo stuff for this film, as in the first trailer, was only made available to a select audience at some sort of Disney event, one of them ones i think they call a "celebration". so of course someone in the audience videoed it off of their phone and of course this "leaked" onto the internet. 

by all accounts the lawyers lucky enough to work for Disney, with a pay level which you assume means they feel no need to purchase lottery tickets, have been running around making sure all copies of this illicit video have been "taken down". yet copies of it keep cropping up. perhaps by the time this "goes live" for people to read the official release "online" for the trailer has happened, but anyway, some images and what have you. 

gosh darn it, oh dear, blogger has gone its thing (which it occasionally does) and loaded up the images in the reverse order i intended. well, i can't be bothered fixing that, so here above is what was, i think at least, one of the last shots off of the trailer, featuring the loveable baby space frog and some of them engineer or mechanic frogs. it would seem they are piloting some form of small craft. 

my understanding is that the film has come about from that "writer's strike" what they had in America. them sort of things are something they have often, it seems. apparently a decision was made to just cobble together whatever ideas they had for the 4th series (season, if American) of the show and rather make a film. some disappointment in that, as presumably this means we won't be getting a new batch of episodes of it any time soon. oh well, hopefully worth it when the film turns up. 

i kind of know who that is in the centre, but the name escapes me. pretty sure he was in that animated series Rebels, which i gather (mostly from my known sons) was excellent, but i just never found the time to watch properly. 

marketing, i would guess, is why just enough copies of this bootlegged trailer keep turning up online. that or it's down to the more obsessive type of Star Wars fan, groups of which have been known to get all carried away and a trifle fanatical from time to time. it seems like just enough copies of this keep getting "taken down" so as to make ripples in the news, yet also just enough copies remain for fans to seek and see. not sure why Disney didn't just release the trailer proper immediately after their event, but then they are a somewhat more successful business model than me, so i will take it as a given they know what they are doing. wasn't it Oscar Wilde who said that the only thing worse than being talked about was not being talked about? 

oh, right. there's going to be a scene in it where the cute adorable space frog channels his inner Bruce Willis, then. might be quite class, that. 

contrary to popular belief, or view (or opinion), it is very much possible to get things removed off of an internet without a trace. you just have to be quite determined and, presumably, have an awful lot of resources, mostly of a coins of money nature. being exceptionally careful not to name names, a late 90s or early 00s video featuring some rather well known (and then young) footballers 'entertaining' a lady would appear to be vanished from existence. so too a broadcast documentary about a disgraced after death but previously celebrated DJ, filmed (mostly in a caravan) or made by a pop star who happens to be quite popular. none of them had anywhere near the resources of a Disney, so if they had wanted this gone entire from the internet i am sure they would have made it so. no matter how big or dynamic the internet happens to be. 

what i like most about this is the sheer thrill of seeing something you are not supposed to have. in this era of immediate release and instant gratification, one can sometimes forget the pleasures drawn from a hint of what was to come. so to speak. i wouldn't really wish (or care) to go back to the days of watching pirated films that someone had (literally) videoed in a cinema, but still, there was a charm to seeing something before the intended date. kind of. 

very, if not extremely, likely that the "proper" version of this trailer has been plastered all over the internet by the time this "lands" or "drops". but if these momentary glances, assuming Disney have something better to do that instruct them be taken down, have been of interest, nice one. 

live long and prosper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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