Monday, August 26, 2024


hello there

it might well be so that this post is of some practical use. not particularly for all, look you see, but all the same, maybe some of you. also those few remaining fans of Greta might be impressed. how curious it is that now she's an adult her mountain of fans has become a molehill. it's like they were all just using her to spout off any old statement and go "how dare you attack a child" if anyone questioned her. funny old world, as the saying goes. 

but, back to the sort of point, and back to quite some time ago. thirty five (35) years, at time of writing, or for simplicity, 1989. oddly there is the risk of spoilers here. if for some reason you are holding off on who won what was called the first division of English football in 1989, well, you may well wish to stop reading now, as all shall be revealed in the next paragraph.

as it happens it was that year what saw Arsenal win the league title. this might not seem all that remarkable, for they were and are a successful club. however, in this instance they had to travel away to Liverpool - as in play at "Fortress Anfield" - and beat Liverpool 2-0, otherwise it would be that Liverpool themselves were crowned champions. wouldn't you know Arsenal jolly well did just that. not too long ago a documentary, imaginatively titled 89, was released to celebrate it. or commemorate it, or just to ensure some acknowledgement of it existed. 

no, i have not seen it, but as you can (kind of) see in the above image i recently happened to buy four copies of it. yes, 4 (four). actually, now that i think, wasn't this the football season which was used as a kind of backdrop for the Nick Hornby novel Fever Pitch? i know they set the film version of it in America and changed the sport, but pretty sure the book was set in that there London (innit). 

shall, or will, i be watching one of my new four (4) copies of it? unlikely, i would think. what time i do find to watch stuff is generally spent watching rather trashy films of low artistic merit but exceptionally high levels of nudies. one really rather suspects that any nudity in 89 is going to be of male professional football players (or managers, i suppose. fans, maybe), and i am not particularly interested. 

exactly what compelled me to purchase 4 (four) copies of a film that i had little interest in and less (or if you will "fewer") intention of watching? basic mathematics. you may well be able to see that each copy of this documentary cost me 50p. yes, £2 in total for the four (4). now observe the below. 

that there above was the cheapest price i could find for replacement video (of blu ray) boxes. and they would seem to be "pre-owned" ones too, as in not brand new. paying somewhere north of £1.70 for a second hand replacement box seemed silly in comparison to obtaining a quite new, factory sealed one for 50p. so yes, likely i would have bought 10 (ten) copies if Poundland had stock of that many at this price. 

could i not be persuaded to watch at least one (1) copy of 89? not really, for the reasons listed above. which i am aware of you being aware of, i just started writing this and remembered what i wrote earlier. my half memories of the season are enough, i have no wish to "relive" it at all. generally my interest in football these days is, like the overwhelming majority of the population, limited to listening (with great interest) to what Joe Cole has to say about the game. 

for clarification (if needed) momentarily it was just the one (1) replacement box i required, pictured as it is above, sans the cover and disc of (or for) 89. what did i need it for? i picked up William a copy of the classic Live & Let Die, featuring Sir Roger, and the box was in a state of some distress, having had placed on it one of them really sh!t stickers what leave a gluey, sticky residue. every chance exists that i shall need replacement boxes in the future, and not necessarily to suitably house works of Sir Roger. on balance it struck me as a jolly good idea to get them whilst i could. 

perhaps i shall hold on to one (1) copy, though. it could serve as a gift of some form, one as likely to torment a Liverpool fan as equally as it would, presumably, please an Arsenal one. otherwise, well, the covers and discs of 89 are all off to "recycling", which is to say the bin. if someone decides to take such waste and place it in the ocean, well that's their choice, and if dolphins elect to eat them i would then question this concept of them supposedly being intelligent. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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