Thursday, August 15, 2024

cinema visit

hello there

it has been (most) decidedly so that this year has seen a fair bit of the unexpected. at the least for me (moi) and all that i thought i may do, look you see. certainly being present at two (2) gigs by the Manic Street Preachers and Suede (within a week) was a known quantity as those tickets were bought last year, but still one (at the least) was at the mercy of our train system. meeting Piers Corbyn and the elegant, wonderful Griffin Dunne were nice surprises. well, one was, and the former was a happy accident. but no, i didn't really anticipate three (3) cinema trips (and counting) this year. 

for this third (and hopefully not final) cinema trip of the year so far (2024) it was off to see a film which i thought was called Deadpool vs Wolverine, but actually happens to be called Deadpool & Wolverine. a subtle yet all the same important difference. to be perfectly honest it wasn't a film i was all that interested in seeing, what with the "joke" of Deadpool wearing thin on me about half way through the first film. but the boys, as in my (known) children, really loved it, and, well, why would one not go and see Hugh Jackman swearing and punching people?

on a (quasi) practical level it would seem you would have "had to" see a good deal more films and things that i had done before watching this. somewhat obviously having watched, or managed to endure, the first Deadpool films (both of them) helps, but also Logan (which i had not seen) and that Disney tv series called Loki. the latter is pretty much essential if you wish to have any vague understanding of the slight plot.

before i go into any sort of plot thing (weirdly linear i know) it is perhaps prudent, if not best, to put one of them *** SPOILER WARNING *** things here, applicable from this sentence on. plot? kind of something something Deadpool's universe is to implode because (remember the spoiler) Wolverine died, something something Deadpool not happy, something something Deadpool jumps across different universes (the "multiverse") to get a replacement Wolverine to mend things, something something. a quite clearly sellotaped together premise to allow for violence, high levels (as in nearly constant) breaking of the 4th wall stuff, digs at Disney and to be fair many, many laughs. perhaps the most pleasant surprise was that the Deadpool character can actually be very funny without the need for incessant, constant masturbation jokes as was the case in the first two. 

mostly, or on the whole, i enjoyed it. certainly it was (considerably) better than the first two of the Deadpool films, for it had elements of humour not all entirely related to a quick(ish) one off of the wrist. there was clearly much i was missing in not seeing Logan in particular, or the latter X Men films. no i haven't seen any of them since the first three (3) ones. had i not seen the first series of Loki it would be likely i would have been somewhat confused by the (ostensible) plot. 

going on what i can tell there's a lot of fuss, or excitement, about the numerous "cameo" or if you will surprise appearances in them. of the biggest, being Chris Evans (the proper American talent actor, not the horrid, rancid narcissist of debatable talent we are stuck with in England), well, the joke of why he was there in some "dumping ground for discarded super heroes" was quite obvious from the start. put it this way, there was no way he was there for the more celebrated of his two "hero" roles. they appeared to spend an awful lot of time setting up a "surprise" joke i would have thought everyone would have seen coming and just groaned. 

leaving aside the one (or possibly two) other cameo(s) in it that i recognised, rather likely that several others just went right past, below or above me. oh. so no, i can't tell you much of who(m) may be in it, as it could have been a cameo i plain didn't clock. 

yes, indeed, all (three) of my cinema outings have been at the rather splendid Ealing Project. and of course all on a Tuesday, for that is when the tickets are (considerably) cheaper. a large coke and medium, or if you will regular, popcorn cost me a flat (or straight £9). indeed i would have very much liked to return there for the new Alien film as and when it is out, but i shall not be in that there London place when it's on. perhaps they shall have cinemas wherever it is i wander. 

right, highly doubtful that any of this will have been of much use to anyone, but at the least i hope it was in some way (even briefly) entertaining. for what such is worth i do believe that Civil War has been the best film i have seen so (thus) far this year, but there's still a bit of the year (2024) to go. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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