ow do
there is every chance that this post counts as some sort of "throwback" thing, look you see. it is so that the platform referenced in the title pertains to its use as a descriptive prefix for boots, or indeed shoes. going somewhat further, it relates to some abandoned footwear, which i don't think has featured on this blog for a fair while now. could be mistaken, for i certainly don't read what i write and shall forever wonder why it is you do.
perhaps, or maybe, i should have called this post "platforms" (as in the plural) for it is two (2) shoes abandoned. a complete pair, so far as i can tell, but obviously i did not stray too close to them.
yes, indeed, there's one (1) of them, in the image above, presented in the greater good and glory, of course, of Commodore 64 mode. the pattern of the upper shoe / boot aspect would appear to sort of blend in with how, exactly, Commodore 64 mode interprets the pavement. it's very likely that some form of statement is being made by such, but i am not cleverer enough to understand it.
i must (one would presume to assume) take great caution with notions of provenance here. whilst i can, or may, speak freely of
where i saw these boots (or shoes), i cannot speak of from whence they came. these images were captured, or if you will recorded, in the vaguely east end area of London (innit). from what i recall not
that far away from where i saw the touching Vivienne Westwood
tribute. who knows, maybe the items of footwear were purchased in one of them fancy spots for such down there, like Carnaby Street or Camden Market. unlikely, i would speculate, that they are of Saville Row.

mostly for the sake of completeness, then, the other shoe. or boot, if that's what they are. it was, on the whole, quite a surprise to see platform boots once again. sorry, if i seem distracted whilst writing this it's because i have the video (disc) what came with Dog Man Star off of Suede on at the same time. anyway, whereas i have no sense of fashion and no knowledge of fashion trends, i would have thought generally that the platform boot (or shoe) had had its day; that now they were worn exclusively by certain film stars and television presenters to appear (somewhat) taller on screen.
believe it or not (and to be blunt i care not which) it's on;y now, having added the picture, that i have fully paid attention to the graffiti on that door. perhaps, maybe, that was gone done by who(m)ever left the shoes (boots) behind. actually, maybe that's an integral part of the art installation i actually went past, making it rather wise in retrospect that i touched none of it. or they could be unrelated.

since we are on the subject of the door, and indeed if not traditional graffiti per se but general defacement, a look at more aspects of it above. they don't half like moaning and groaning about everything or anything down there in that there London (innit). far be it from me to voice an opinion, or view, on the stickers and what have you that you can see. not sure, however, that adidas, what do all them sports things, were likely to have approved of their branding being used in regards of a well known, rather derogatory comment on the constabulary. my understanding was that the comment being made was traditionally a Merseyside one, so it was kind of interesting to see it being made further afield. if, of course, my understanding was (is) correct.
under what circumstances do i imagine these shoes (boots) ended up where i saw them? if we take it as a given, if but for a moment, it's not some sort of fancy art exhibition placement, likely down to them being rather uncomfortable for who(m)ever had them on, and they had the bravery, courage, indeed common sense to discard them. a story about that comes to mind but, well, another time, another place. indeed it's possible that someone simply felt they didn't need to be all that tall no more, too.
not sure to what level of interest it may be, but it might be an interesting thing to see just how far apart these items of footwear were when i spotted, or simply saw, them. quite likely they were both in the same place and one got shifted. but, that said, if they were then where they had been since discarded, one could, i suppose, gain insight into the decision process behind discarding them.
and that's just about, if not entirely, all i could think of to write about this one.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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