Monday, June 19, 2023

design of interior in tin ideas


make no mistake, i am aware that exceptionally few in the known universe would give the slightest consideration of interest in any beautification that i made to my lodgings in exile. it remains so, though, that one or two might quite like the look of that which i propose to do such with, look you see. and so here we very much are. 

over the last few weeks i have taken to obtaining some non-traditional posters. well, they are posters, but not on fancy paper. instead they are printed (or whatever) on tin (or some form of thin, light metal). quite a class idea, for one can "hang" them, as it were, without needing frames. or that blu tac stuff. a rather nice lady runs a market stall near me, and each weekend i go to see which new ones have arrived. normally, but not always, i pick up a new one. for those interested, here are the five (5) i gone done got so far. 

indeed this is a post which would probably benefit from not being presented in the greater good and glory of Commodore 64 mode. sadly, or alas, some vindictive person has taken a shine to reporting my posts for content, despite every effort being made to ensure they are not obscene or intentionally hurtful. well, mostly, for you are (inevitably) always going to upset someone in the universe no matter what you do. so, this mode it is, as it happens to act well as a quasi censoring thing. 

do i go looking for specific ones? not really. sure, it would be wonderful to find a Bowie one, or a Stone Roses or Suede, but hey. it's far more fun to just browse and pick up which ones on the spot "speak to me", as it were, or look quite class. like, for instance, these two. 

up to now, or so far, these are the only two (2) what are film related. certainly other film ones are available, but from a list of beloved iconic favourites, only these two have been made available to me as such. not two films i would have immediately declared an interest in having posters of, but when placed in front of me they were (more or less) straightforward purchases. 

presumably, even in the greater good and glory of Commodore 64 mode, there's not all that much need for me to clarify what they are. but, go on. a poster of Star Wars from when it was just that, and not an episode, was a lovely find indeed. as for the other, well, there's iconic, there's very iconic, there is, i would guess, uber iconic and then there is Brandon as Don Corleone in The Godfather. the only person i can think of who has had less (or fewer) screen time in a film (i believe he appears for all of 20 minutes in a nearly 3 hour film) to have created such a strong image that has lasted for decades is that ponytail bloke who played the sax in Lost Boys

everyone who gets all emotional and upset about things in general may well wish to depart this post now. if you have not already done so out of boredom, and if you have then how come you are reading this. answer that and stay fashionable. 

by no means would i declare myself a Pink Floyd fan as such, but in recent times i have gone back to give their albums another go. i very much "get" why they are held in the esteem they are by many, but mostly it's just not my bag. of course it is (very much) so that the (ahem) art on this particular poster pertaining to them has significant appeal. 

as it happens, i can pretty much remember when this picture was taken. well, no, i wasn't there for it, but i do recall all the marketing fuss around it. quite early in the 90s, as i remember, with painting six iconic or well known Pink Floyd album covers on the back of some models was done in order to promote a box set of their works. pretty much every news agency in the world covered the story. imagine a time when someone re-releasing a set of albums was worthy of news. that's from when it was time that music was valued properly and appreciated. 

which is exactly where the remaining 2 (two) of the five (5) i have so far picked up are from. and yes, they are decidedly vibes related. going left to right, i bought a poster (and the posters are all A4 size, which i should have mentioned earlier) of an advert for the Sex Pistols at the 100 Club because why exactly wouldn't i buy a poster of the Sex Pistols at the 100 Club. rock and roll used to be all about gigs that would come to be the stuff of mythology and legend. this celebrates one of the most important, ever. none can, of course, claim to be the greatest. but this was significant. 

finally, then, the eventually settled on artwork for Appetite For Destruction off of Guns N Roses. that image in the middle of the CD booklet, or gatefold lp or tape cover? yeah, that's what the band wanted on the cover. instead, this. such a striking image, and no doubt when they saw it every single band in the world, ever, no matter what genre, probably went "gosh, why didn't we think of that". as i recall Axl had it tattooed on his arm. last time i saw it had faded badly, unsure if he had it removed entire. the tattoo, not the arm. 

right, now just need to get around to working out exactly where i wish to put them on display, and get around to putting them up, so to speak. but yeah, will likely pick up more before i get to that stage. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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