Thursday, June 22, 2023

can't be bought, won't be owned

welcome revolutionary brothers and sisters (and all others)

one of them observation posts again, from that there London (innit) place once more, look you see. but also a rather unexpected, if somewhat whimsical, throwback to a term i have not heard in a good while. 

so there i was, sat in a locale what was north of "the river", which is what they call the Thames down there, because hey, London, they assume anyone speaking of a river would do so only of what they consider to be the river. exactly where this was i would not care to say, but shall we suggest no more than a little north of a mile (or so) away from celebrated bourgeois places like Kensington, Knightsbridge and what have you. 

mostly, or for the most part, i was minding my own business (as all do there, they really don't like it when you randomly greet them) having what they wrongly call "a spot of lunch", which of course is dinner in the normal, rest of the country. i happened to glance up, and noted (or observed) that someone had taken the time to add some slogan based art to one of the walls. 

quite the statement, as you can see above in the greater good and glory of Commodore 64 mode. should you not be able to (for whatever reason) work out the statement being made, well, as per the regular sort of image below, it says "die yuppy scum". rather strongly worded, that. as in it's rather direct and pretty clear in intent, is it not? 

honestly one cannot, i suppose, be all that surprised by something like this appearing on the walls of London. it is decidedly so that it's the city which has become the most fashionable, or if you will trendy, for any form of protest. mostly this involves people gluing themselves to various roads, but every now and then there's a march or two intent on (politely) asking members of the constabulary to not go around and cause harm to those which they are ostensibly charged with protecting. the reason for hosting such things like this down there in that London (innit) is fairly obvious; it's one of the biggest cities in the world, and so action there gets noticed. also, if they did this sort of thing in New York, say, or any other major city, they would probably get shot. we are far more inclined to be somewhat tolerant and understanding of protests, or at the least shrug, tut and turn our backs to it, pretending not to have noticed anything untoward going on. 

the main thing of note i have here is, of course, a spelling quarrel. is it spelt "yuppy"? whereas i have not heard the term since the 80s (or possibly early 90s) i am pretty sure, if in my mind alone, the spelling was "yuppie", and it being a word created out of the initials for young urban professional. a corrupted acronym, if you like. 

a problem, or concern, with the above sentiment would be that of who determines exactly how a yuppy, or yuppie (if i am right), is defined in this peculiar new world we have crafted. is it so bad that some wish to get on with life? like, so bad that you would wish anyone who wants to be a success by a certain measure that you may disagree with you'd have them not exist? that's not cool. 

perhaps, and i didn't pay all that much attention, there's been a surge in the presence of traditional yuppie or indeed yuppy (and spell check agrees with me) types there. if so, i may well have noted seeing chaps with a filofax in one hand, then a massive bigger than a brick sized "mobile" phone in the other. let me try and look more carefully next time i am there. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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