Wednesday, February 08, 2023

all is with a twist now

hi there

it was once, so, that the Oreo was a thing of mystery to us here in England. and, presumably, the wider or the entire of the UK, but i can't speak for all of it, look you see. many of us wondered what it was like, for we never got them here in the 80s. or 90s. at least not early 90s. they got referenced on them tele shows that our friends in America made and permitted broadcast of here, and of course they got themselves the honour of being referenced by Holly Johnson in Americanos. quite likely that them fancy posh shops in London (innit) imported them for the lah-de-dah brigade back then, but you couldn't get them on the shelves in the normal, proper parts of the country. 

now, of course, they are profligate. i have no idea when all of this happened, but at some stage in the last one quarter of a century someone elected to allow who(m)ever makes these Oreo biscuits to carpet bomb all of the nation, meaning you can buy them in very nearly every shop in the land. which, if we are to be honest, isn't all that bad, for it turns out that they are pretty decent. obviously not as good as proper British biscuits, but still, you know, not bad. 

but of course well does not get left alone. it seldom (if ever) does in this world. when there's a decent product, or thing, someone somewhere takes a decision to make a "twist" on it. back in the 80s this would be a marketing type taking that direction. you know, some ponytailed, horn rimmed glasses, power tie wearing coke snorting mother f*****r. i don't believe such decisions are left to anyone quite as intelligent as that no more; they rather have some spotty kids on computers look at what stupid thing is "trending" on "twitter" and base business decisions on such whimsical nonsense. 

this is how we now have "Oreo Twists" in our world. absolutely no one (with precision) was demanding, since no one simply asks or suggests in this world, that they shove extra things into the standard Oreo. but, they gone done it anyway. oh, no, i am not against it as such, but it should be noted that my purchase of these was based more on how they were cheaper ("cost fewer") that regular ones, and i was of a mind to enjoy a biscuit or two (or the whole pack) with a cup of tea as i sat alone in hotel, contemplating my era of exile. 

as it happens i am quite partial to caramel (and who isn't) so i was looking forward to these. oh, for the purposes of anyone interested they do other "twists", i think one was strawberry or similar. well, as you can see in the above, the biscuits (or "cookies", as our misguided friends in America call them, and it is worth remembering that they don't use the word fanny properly) don't quite look in real life like they do on the packet. oh. further, although they have kind of a caramel taste, it is a pretty bland one. 

how likely is it that i shall have these again? not out of the question. sure, if i feel like some biscuits, they are on the shelf on special, bought. but rather unlikely that i shall go out of my way for them. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!