Saturday, February 25, 2023

viewer discretion is required


well, consider me somewhat confused. and bewildered, look you see. either someone has quite a peculiar grudge against me, or Jim Bowen (or Simon le Bon), or i have written things which had decidedly unintended consequences. 

not so long ago - on my birthday, as it happens - i got some stern warnings off of that there google what makes this blog possible. quite a number of emails arrived, telling me that someone had flagged certain posts what i gone done for content. to my surprise the google agreed with this, and have put said posts behind a warning that the posts might cause some distress, or offence or what have you. 

this really took me by surprise. whereas i would not (by any means) suggest this blog is intended for families to sit around to read together, i do make it all family friendly. apparently i have not gone done with this as much as i had thought. oh. 

anyway, no doubt some of you shall be curious as to what caused all the upset. can i provide links to the supposedly offending posts? sure, here you go, but please remember viewer discretion is required

congratulations to who(m)ever has taken it upon themselves to try and stop people reading whatever it is what i wrote. let me know if there is actually anything naughty in the above; i certainly do not read my own writing. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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