howdy pop pickers
just earlier this week (as opposed to later next) i had an episode with the radio. or moment, or indeed incident, look you see, whichever is the appropriate wording. this is something which i have noted occurs with greater frequency as i make do with whatever time i have left in this world. taking as a given that the only radio station left which plays a decent music mix and does not have too many annoying ads (just promos for their own stuff) is Radio 2, increasingly i am becoming aware of why having a CD player in any sort of vehicle is important.
it would be normal for these episodes to feature specific djs (or presenters, or whatever they call themselves these days. influencers, probably. mostly, it happens when Zoe Ball is testing the patience of her employment on the basis of "well, you all said anything would be better than Chris Evans", or when that renowned Alan Partridge parody act, Jeremy Vine, elects to discuss a subject which he is ill equipped to do. sure, there's also those minor incidents if it happens to be one of the twelve (12) weeks of the year that Steve Wright isn't on holiday and is in the mood to sing the songs "better" than the original artist. and on the same note, when they decide that someone like Craig Charles is a perfect, like for like stand in for Steve Wright (who apparently needs a lot of holidays) and he bombards audiences with his raga boombastic funk overload.
this incident (episode, or whatever) was not related to the above. as it happens, it happened on the show hosted by the nice lady who is on after five (5), or her equally nice stand in. anyway, she asked someone or other who had called in, for some reason which escapes me , if they knew what was the number one single forty years ago this week.

whether famously or infamously, Ashes To Ashes of course had all sorts of connotations. of relevance here, however, is that it was the at the time second number one single off of Bowie. the only other (that i am aware of) was Space Oddity, so of course, ha ha ha, Bowie only got to number one when he sang of Major Tom (until Let's Dance etc).
did i do anything special to commemorate the impromptu yet factual 40th anniversary celebrations of Ashes To Ashes being a number one single? back in the days when the charts meant something, for they were based on sales and not theoretical assumptions pertaining to "streaming"? not really. well, yes, the radio got turned up a few notches, and indeed i did sing along with the song, since they did play it on the radio after the previously mentioned exchange between radio show host and person calling in. no, it was not me calling in.
right, time, either reading this or writing it, is probably better spent listening to Bowie. if that sentence makes any sense, which i think it does. kind of. oh.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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