hello there
there are those of you who are, as it were, in the know, look you see, that shall know full well this title can only refer to something of the world of the hedgehog. i cannot recall if i have used this title before. at a guess, yes, probably, since i have now done (considerably) north of four thousand (4000) posts here.
on one evening, recently in the past (rather than yet to come), i had reason to be out in the garden. during, as i mentioned, the evening. the concern which had me there was me making ever such a spectacular success of quitting or at the least cutting down considerably on cigarette consumption related matters (smoking).
during this, i had one of those startled gasp moments, but one i am keen to stress was of pleasant surprise rather than any element of distress. for, as you may well have concluded already, the hedgehog which resides in our garden had made a quite rare, into a spot of light appearance.
i say the hedgehog who lives in our garden, but my suspicion is that this is but one of a family of hedgehogs who have made a (hopefully, i trust) happy residence. either than, or this hedgehog has a remarkable ability to change size from time to time. which, actually, would make sense with the name spiny norman.
just what's the deal with the name spiny norman for a hedgehog? full tilt credit for Monty Python, in particular (as in specifically) the
Ethel The Frog sketch, concerning as it does the Piranha Brothers. as for some reason i cannot find a (trusted) link to the entire sketch, let me leave it to you to seek and search out more if you are of a mind to be interested.
my concern, as wonderful as it was to see spiny norman (or one of the spiny norman clan), was about why, exactly, he (or she) had ventured so close to the house, and remained in light. usually, in my experience, they prefer to dwell untroubled in the shadows.
we have had an awful lot of really, really hot weather of late. i have tried to ensure that ample water is always available in suitable bowls around the garden, and do indeed place out some of the smart looking hedgehog food what Tesco sell. the latter is possibly unneccessary, though, as there was one time i saw spiny norman (or clan member) eating, and became aware of why, exactly, we seem to be entirely untroubled by slugs.

at the great risk of me doing that "disneyfication" thing where one attributes entirely human emotions and actions to the wildlife, my fear is that there is not enough food or water for spiny norman (and clan), and that the presence so close to the home and so visible was to prompt more. let me make increases in such then, with particular emphasis on water, just in case.
right, so, yes, then, comma enthusiasts and everyone else, let me go and make certain that there are plenty of devices around the garden which may hold water. my assumption is that this would be what hedgehogs, and indeed the birds who frequently visit, drink. alas, i am not sure that i have much else to offer them.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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