hello there
yes, indeed, look you see, far from home as in Spiderman Far From Home, or Spider Man or Spider-Man, whichever you prefer. all of them seem to be accepted as relating to some lad what got bitten off of a spider and gained super spider powers.
we went and saw this motion picture, apparently one of the most "eagerly anticipated" of the year, a couple of weeks ago. i would reasonably expect that anyone reading this has either seen the film, or is not too bothered about finding any details. nonetheless, an extra special *** SUPER SPIDEY SPOILER WARNING *** is now in effect. read on at your own risk.
plot? after Spidey (Peter Parker) was resurrected (or whatever) in the events of Avengers Endgame, off he goes on a school trip to Europe. alas, Nicky Fury out of The Avengers is s*** out of superheroes, and so needs Spidey to team up with a hero from another dimension (Mysterio, played by the one out of the gay cowboy film that wasn't in the Batman film) to battle what can only be described as a big massive planet f****r. things are not what they seem.......
it is a pretty good, often very good, entertaining film, is Spiderman Far From Home. which means that they, Marvel Studios, whoever releases the movies (usually Disney, here Sony) have gotten away with it again. there is absolutely nothing new here, with similar plot details and devices being regurgitated for the (close enough to) 30th time and yet it all works.
what gets copied this time? ostensibly Iron Man 2, very much Spiderman Homecoming and arguably Ant Man, where the principal antagonist is a disgruntled ex-employee who feels hard done by. also Iron Man 3, and if you overthink things a bit Avengers Endgame, where illusions are cast as to who exactly the real "big bad" is. you can moan about the lack of originality if you wish, but the only thing that happens is you miss out on entertainment. by "borrowing" the elements that worked from other films and using them as a starting block, they do keep on coming up with inspired and highly creative new spins on it all.
one really wishes that other "franchises" would follow this model. for no apparent reason, both Disney with Star Wars and Warner with DC comics (Batman, Superman, et al) seem to belligerently reject all of the elements what made millions of people love the original stories and concepts, instead looking for "new angles" that are not needed or "subverting expectations" which just causes a lot of disappointment, upset and fuss. also nowhere near as much money as the Marvel films make, but do crack on.
yes, the obligatory "blimey look at the prices of food and drink at the cinema" image for you. shocking, i know. the arguments are "this is how the cinemas make money though" and "you can always just sneak your own in". neither of those would appear to cover the obscenity that is what they charge for plain water.
are the performances any good? well, they are what they are. just what they need to be. the lad playing Spidey does a good job, as do his chums. him off of the cowboy film in it barely stops smiling, presumably due to the massive payday that comes with being in one of these types of film. and Samuel L Jackson has been playing the Pulp Fiction caricature of Samuel L Jackson for some 27 or so years now, and delivers precisely that.
if for some reason you are reading this and wanting to know is Spiderman Far From Home worth seeing, then yes it is. at no stage does it drag over the course of some two hours. at some point it will be, either via the law of averages or the lack of creative ideas for a rehash, that Marvel make a really, really sh!t film. this is not it, though. perhaps that will only come as and when they hire, for instance, the people that thought the last series of Game Of Thrones was actually good, or when they hire someone who patently and clearly hates the source material and fans, as Disney did when they hired whoever it was (presumably a fanatical, overzealous Trekkie) to make the mess that was Star Wars The Last Jedi. or Solo.
my spidey senses tell me that this is enough for this post, hope it has been of some use to someone.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!