just a bit of a "flashback" sort of thing, look you see. in this era of instant gratification and quick disposal to look at events just north of three weeks ago does feel nostalgic. so be it, this is the world we created or stood by and allowed to happen.
modesty, to be sure, normally prevents me from being all flash and showing off things what i do. the decorations, of sorts, what i did for all that halloween business did, however, get more than one compliment. it was around the time of the second and final of such compliments that i thought i had best take some pictures, then, to share here.
harumpf, i say, or however one spells it. on my side, as i do all of this, it has loaded up the "portrait" images in a decidedly "landscape" mode. well, maybe it comes around the right way as you view, or you shall just have to jolly well tilt to look. strange, as blogger has been quite well behaved of late and has shown the pictures the right way around.
anyway, yes. halloween decorations. as such. i wouldn't say that i did anything particularly special or planned, but rather just shoved a variety of items, mostly off of Poundland, on the door.
whilst we are in the same space of time area, but of course November 5 fell a few weeks ago. for me, mostly, for 26 years now, November 5 has all been about a concert i went to. one that i make reference to here every now and then. for regular, more well balanced people with more of a sense of perspective, however, the day is normally associated with Guy Fawkes and all that "bonfire" business.
our contribution to this is mostly not to add any further to the general disturbance celebratory fireworks and bonfires causes. instead, then, the boys make merry with some sparklers that i purchase, as and when they remind me to do so. which they did this year a day or so before the day they should have been ignited.
am i anti-fireworks? not as much as i am anti-causing distress or harm to animals and pets. fireworks are a most splendid thing, but i do think they should be the preserve of organized displays away from residential areas, rather than happening in the gardens of residential areas. that way people who wish to see them can go and do so, and people that want no part in it may all remain at home undisturbed.
the door once more, then. sideways again on my side, but perhaps it looks the correct way around for you as and when the page loads up. hope so, otherwise sorry for the crooked neck.
indeed i did get more than two compliments on it, but not many. some of this celebration was tempered by one of the children who came to our door to request sweets calling me either Jeff or Geoff, depending on which spelling you prefer. no, that is not my name. yet it is likely that if my class door decorations are spoken of in conversation somewhere, a bloke called Jeff or Geoff is getting the credit rather than me. even though i am that person they speak of.
another image of the boys doing their thing with the sparklers, then. ostensibly that has been added here to say that this is it for this post, more or less, bar some more words.
no, at this stage i have not started planning for halloween of next year, for their is no certainty that i shall make it that far. if i do, and i hope that to be so, then i have every confidence that i shall be able to put decorations up on the fly with ease once more.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!