hello once more
from a conventional stance i suppose it is, look you see, quite true to say that November is not a point of any given year one would naturally associate with t-shirts here in England. normally the weather, or should it be more correct to say so the climate, at that time in this place does not naturally encourage the idea of wearing t-shirts. this is due to t-shirts not normally providing the requisite warmth or waterproof ways one would like at such a time.
it is precisely due to the above that i, or indeed moi, have been enabled to invest in some smart, fancy and la-de-dah t-shirts. the abject lack of demand for them at this time means that proprietors who sell them do so at a reduced asking price. with this, as it were, happening, i did indeed purchase.
so yes, then, this is all going to be about not one, not three, but two new t-shirts what i bought. if for some reason you have read this far but have no interest in the subject then now, really, is the time for you to head off. but thank you for reading as much as you did.
yes, there they are in what i believe is commonly called a "factory sealed" state still, which is how they arrived. and indeed or further yes, just a "normal" picture to start with, rather than the standard for me Commodore 64 mode. i thought maybe those mentioned above who are not interested may wish to have a cursory glance at them all the same before departing, so there you go i made it somewhat easier for you.
provenance of my smart new t-shirts? Jacamo, as endorsed by that Sir Ian Botham of the 21st Century (thus far), Mr Freddie "Andrew" Flintoff, no less. this endorsement is of course important to me. not, perhaps, as important as the fact that Jacamo offer the double whammy of offering garments in my size and, as was the case here, frequently doing such at a most agreeable price.
normally i would obtain such garments by being present at, in or otherwise within a Jacamo store. in this instance, however, i elected to make the purchase online, so to speak, and have them delivered. yes, that there above is the luxuriant packaging in which they arrived. next day delivery for a penny south of £4 was quite reasonable, although perhaps i should have invested another penny south of £10 for such delivery concerns to be paid in advance for a year.
there are, concerning the latter, only a finite number of fashion statements that i am prepared to make. it was this that was in my thinking when i elected not to invest in a twelve month level of shipping committent, for it is out outside of the realms of possibility that i would purchase clothes once more again only during the final month of 2018.
but let us not trouble ourselves with what might be. rather be content with that which is.
yes, this one was a particular delight to get. much like my one other dream, that of the oversized shirt of Nevada, i have longed for so very long for a t-shirt that is both oversized and celebrates my passion for Arizona motor oil supplies. thank you, in a very real sense, then, to Jacamo for once again stepping up and making the dream real.
frequent readers of this blog shall, of course, need no clarification on my dream of making a fashion statement that celebrates my love of Arizona motor oil supplies. it is rare - seldom - that i speak of anything but this subject. an ambition, one which is largely unfulfilled, is to use nothing but this on an exclusive basis. retailers of motor oil supplies in the UK are, alas, reluctant if not reticent to stock such products.
when not extolling the virtues of Arizona motor oil supplies, which i presume relate in some way to oil what gets used in a car, it is likely you will find me championing the Louisiana Vipers. i love that team, man. a team who, let us not forget, are State Champions. in semi-pro American Football, a Google search revealed momentarily after the t-shirt landed.
yes, i am aware that the above picture is upside down. so is the next one. at least i am suitably aware of this now. it's just a "thing" we fans of both of these class things do. if you don't know why then i suppose you are not a proper fan of either or indeed both of them. do not beat yourself up, however, you can just go off and learn all about it.
as was the case with my smart oversized t-shirt of Nevada these two new fashion statements of mine come in an oversized manner, which is to say that ostensibly by conventional measurements they are way too big for me. i happen to like baggy shirts. just a comfort thing, to be honest, but if that accidentally gets taken as a further fashion statement then so be it.
whereas the Arizona motor oil supplies shirt is, as you would expect from such, purple in colour, the Louisiana Vipers one is called "wine" colour. my rather basic understanding of this "wine" business is that it comes in numerous shades of differing colours.
no matter, here is what "wine" colour, whatever that might actually be, looks like in Commodore 64 mode.
the rather more studiously, steadfast cynical type of reader may well look at this and refute any such suggestion that i am passionate about either Arizona motor oil supplies or the Louisiana Vipers. in this cynicism they may argue that i only bought these as they were cheap and of a size that i liked.
well, "haters gonna hate" was, or is, a popular refrain spoken by ardent defenders across the internet not so long ago. at least it was the last time i looked at such. all i can say is that i am truly delighted to get such fashion statement items about things what i am passionate about at a quite reasonable price.
a practical, and not unreasonable, question at this stage is exactly how frequently i expect to wear either of these t-shirts. if a short term view is to say that this is to be looked at for the next three months, then not too often. at least not exclusively. should i wear either of these between now and, say, February of next year, it would be, i suspect, prudent to do so whilst also wearing a jumper, or possibly another shirt over it. here things are getting cold, so they are, to be sure.
in all likelihood this is the only fashion statement i shall be making this month. at least in any sort of overt sense, i suppose. well, maybe not. perhaps a picture of me wearing one of these shirts shall feature, who knows.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!