something of a return to randomly noticing something on my travels, 見てみろよ. yes, indeed this was once again down there in that London (innit), which is where i would appear to spend the majority of my time. hence me seeing things of stuff.
well, there i was, then, wandering around a reasonably posh (if not quite exclusive) area of the place. for those interested in such, a kind of darkly autumnal day it was, with a brooding grey (or gray) sky punctuated by the occasional instance of rain. on my travels i happened to notice this.
of an aspect of this being one of them "QR" code things i am veritably certain. my use of possibly in the title concerns the language used in the wording either above or below this code thing, depending on which way around you hold it. indeed yes, also to the side, if you hold it that way.
alas, no, i have no idea at all what this might be about. certainly not is my answer to any question you may pose as to whether or not i "followed" the QR code aspect. going around and scanning random codes of this nature is a very foolish thing indeed. even ones out in public that look "safe" or official, as many people who have been scammed by fake QR codes at parking locations have (sadly usually to their financial detriment) discovered.
just what could this card, or specifically the code, be for? at a guess i would assume some sort of scam, quite possibly related to all that "crypto" magical internet money nonsense. maybe it's an advert for someone offering (ahem) personal services, in which case yes, i missed a trick there, so to speak. if i am right (rare but happens) and that is Japanese, who knows, it may be some sort of invitation to join the yakuza or similar. as i have no immediate wish to lose any fingers as a sign of loyalty or as a form of punishment for breaking some unspoken rule, no thanks.
there exists every chance (or possibility) of course that it is something rather more harmless. it may well be just a go at some sort of "viral marketing" for a restaurant, club or what have you. were it so that it was such, well, likely well north of a decade too late for it. most, i would suggest, are quite aware of the dangers of scanning and following random qr codes, so it's unlikely anyone would do so. unless they are really quite innocent, or indeed simple.
perhaps some of the more adventurous or ambitious of you would wish that i had put a more better image of this qr code here. well, no. it could be harmless, but likely isn't. should you be all that eager to find out what it was (or is) for i am sure you can find one of these cards. from what i remember it was within the realms of the NW1 postcode are, go for a stroll and good luck.
in glorious retrospect, or on reflection (whichever sounds right) no, this wasn't the most interesting thing i could have put up (or on) here. the scary thing is that it's probably not likely to be the most boring post of mine.