Friday, December 20, 2024


hello there

no, alas, this post is not (at least specifically) related to either of the places called Richmond here in England. that means it's nothing to do with the proper one of that place in North Yorkshire, or the rather rancid one down there in London (innit). instead it's to do with the cigarettes of the same name, look you see. 

yes, for those concerned, or who need such spelling out for them (presumably the people that the warning images on packets are aimed at) smoking is very silly, likely quite bad for you and so on. should you smoke then you are probably best off at seeking ways to quit, or to cut down considerably. please don't let anything here inspire you to take up the habit. 

this is, mostly if not ostensibly, another foray into the realm of acquiring cigarettes via less than conventional means. not quite sure if these Richmond cigarettes are counterfeit, bootleg or procured in an illicit way, but equally am sure they are far more modestly priced than the ones you get off of standard retailers. for cost these were priced at a comparatively reasonable £5 a packet, which is around or between 25% and 33% of the price for similar "legal" ones. a mere ten (10) years ago the "legal" cigarettes at shops only cost around £5, which tells you of the insane tax practices embraced. quite likely explains why so many are being pushed towards the more independent distributor of cigarettes too, i suppose. 

how are these cigarettes? well, no, they are far removed from the joys of Marlboro. not too bad, as they certainly get the job asked of them done. should for some reason you wish to see an image of me smoking one of them (a Richmond, rather than a Marlboro. sadly) then the picture below is sure to delight. those wishing to rather not see me at all would do well to scroll quite quickly. 

mostly these Richmond cigarettes (since Americans get confused when i call them fags) are surprisingly sweet. so far as i am aware i have not ever experienced cigarettes that have such a "sweet" taste to them. unexpected and peculiar. of all the magical, wondrous toxins they supposedly put into cigarettes i am assuming it's not strychnine as i believe that's quite bitter. perhaps it is in fact arsenic, as i believe that is supposed to have a sweet, quasi aniseed sense to it. 

i am not at all sure that i shall continue with these. yes, i know, i know, i should probably cease all cigarette use all together, but let us dwell in reality for the moment. these ones are not quite so harsh as the other independent ones, Manchester, but also lack the definitive "kick" of them. highly likely, now i consider it, that the Manchester ones have a much higher ratio of that strychnine in them. certainly that would explain one or two curious side effects (or affects) of persistent use. 

with the current government, led by Sir Keir who(m) i believe is not, as it turns out, the same Keir that memorably featured in 2001 A Space Odyssey, determined to kill as many of the population as possible it is peculiar that they aren't encouraging smoking. that would get a lot of the job done for them, if we are honest about it. but then smoking is actually pleasurable, and they appear to wish as many of us as possible to not just die but to die in misery. at least they are (semi) honest about this. 

should for some (inexplicable) reason you wish to see film footage of me enjoying one of these cigarettes then the below video will delight. note that it was a particularly miserable day i went off outside, such is my dedication. 

eventually there shall come a point at which even the thickest government notices a massive shortfall in the ludicrous tax they claim from cigarettes, yet clear evidence of lots of people still smoking. i have no doubt that someone somewhere has a conspiracy theory about why less than official cigarettes are available so (relatively) easily and so (comparatively) cheaply. still, they (them in power) have rather boxed themselves into a corner, so it's (highly) unlikely they will ever consider reducing the stupidly high taxes imposed. 

once again, then, smoking is quite bad and something you shouldn't do. i would suggest that most things that i do are not the sort of thing people would hold up as a good example. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!