Sunday, November 03, 2024

tolerate, next

hello there

really it is so that i have no wish for this all to be "what about" or "told you so". just observations, look you see. indeed some shall see this as a whine, whereas others might (or may) see one or two valid points being aired. or not. oddly i suspect a lot of it will affirm decidedly different views. 

as for what this is about, mostly it's the latest (for want of a better word) curious idea from our reasonably recently elected government here in the UK. their latest, somewhat ambitious plan to "fix" the nation is to give what is casually referred to as "fat jabs" to the unemployed. no, not injections to make them fat, but rather the opposite (lose weight). if you are unaware of this plan, or doubt that it is so, well you can read more on it via clicking here

for the most part (or mostly) i think this is yet another early doors example of the great dangers when one votes against something rather than for (or in favour of) something. it was very much the case that Labour, specifically Sir Keir, didn't offer much other than "not being the Tories". kicking the Conservative party out of power was, if we are honest, a necessity. unfortunately the gamble made on this is that (virtually) anyone else "could do no worse". 

where does one even start unpicking this latest sh!t. normally the Labour party are heralded as the compassionate ones, the ones who want tolerance and acceptance of everyone. many are the things i neither like nor understand of this century, but the drive to have greater understanding for mental or psychological wellbeing has been excellent. and now we have a government that are prepared to tell all the people not gainfully employed that it is because they are fat, and they shall either force or coerce all of them into getting injections to "fix" this. fix this with an injection of something which isn't actually designed or intended to cause weight loss, but appears to do that anyway. 

having read up (slightly) on these miracle injections (i am not naming brands, i have no wish for a cease and desist notice) there also appears to be anecdotal (or incidental) indicators that they can also in some way "control" behaviour and deal with addiction. fascinating. we are casually going into the dangerous territory depicted in works such as A Clockwork Orange and 1984, then. 

yes, it was indeed with interest that i saw claims that 'obesity' now "costs" the NHS more than what smoking apparently does. this does not appear to have been followed up with any increase in tax on foods deemed to be unhealthy, nor has it led to bans on advertising, age restrictions or limitations on where one may eat such. do not be surprised if such starts to flow, assuming they get away with this idea and by some chance it does not work as intended. 

just where, exactly, would the government get the idea that they can go around injecting the people who elected them with something that are certain "might" work? oh yes, the great plague of a few years ago. the covid vaccinations were, of course, heavily encouraged but not compulsory and certainly not enforced. well, yes, some high profile businesses went "no vaccination, no job", but that wasn't adopted as a law. indeed there were some wild conspiracies about those injections, often featuring a strange idea of some computer dude taking control of people, but beneath the weird perhaps they were right, be careful of giving those in power the power to go around injecting you with stuff. 

should they go ahead with this idea it will be interesting to see what happens when it does not work. what shall they gain, exactly, from telling people they are fat and need not to be to work, giving them these injections, have them lose weight (assuming it works) and still they cannot get a job, and still our country remains "broken"? maybe i am being pessimistic in this one. well, why not just give us all these injections and have us all be one and the same, exactly like Sir Keir and his crew believe we should be. surely it could be all no worse than it is now. 

generally i would have thought it is only an idiot or a dictator believing themselves to be infallible who(m) would go ahead and attack their own people. a far from complete list of people Sir Keir has taken a full tilt assault approach on now features children, the elderly, smokers, anyone working for anything other than rail companies and now the unemployed, presumed to be overweight. in regards of the only people he actually seems interest in the welfare of, i note with some interest that the railway employees, in particular the law unto themselves lot at Transport For London, he has given all that money to are to go on strike again for even more money. who saw that coming. 

we're nothing, and no one will help us.