Thursday, November 14, 2024

batman unmasked exhibition

hello there

great scott, or cor blimey. this is a post which might be of some actual use or interest to people. especially them wanting information on the Batman Unmasked exhibition in that there London (innit), look you see. so far as i am aware thiis event runs all the way to the penultimate day of this year's December (2024), so you may well be here wanting info. 

failing that, of course, you are more than welcome to have a look at some of the pictures of took. well of course you are welcome, if you were not then i should not have put them here online. speaking of all things online, here's the link to the official site for the Batman Unmasked exhibition. 

it would not, i would think, be unreasonable to assume you are aware that this exhibition is indeed dedicated to the subject of Batman. however, for clarification, it's specific in being the motion picture era, stretching from 1989 to 2022, or kind of present day. with respect to the latter, the outfit what the character of the Penguin in the most recent film (The Batman) wore is on display here, presumably fresh from being used in that Penguin TV series. alas not too much in regards of the classic 60s series, then, despite Adam West appearing on the poster. 

let's get to the crux of info. of all the things what i have read online about this event the number one comment appears to always (and forever) be that it is "quite short". yes, actually, it is. we were in it for around about an hour, including the gift shop bit at the end. try as you (or one) might there's really no way of padding it all out for longer than an hour. 

quality over quantity is the key here, mind. you get to see some really amazing stuff, such as the celebrated "batpod" off of the Christopher Nolan films. i would presume (or even imagine) they would have been able to "pad" this all out with all sorts of sh!t, like for instance a display along the lines of the call sheet for the third assistant director on day X of filming Y. undoubtedly something which is important to making the films, but it would take a rather niche fan to wish to see such. 

cost? again, i shall side on quality over quantity, from what i recall tickets for one adult and one child was just south of £50. there's little which comes to mind as being a fair comparison, but at no stage did i feel cheated, ripped off or what have you with that. but yeah, that's me. the value for me was that William wished to go, and it was a pleasure to take him. 

and there indeed is an all too rare glimpse of one of my (known) children for you, posing in a picture that if i am honest i have long wished to recreate. so yes, there's kind of a nod to the Adam West era of Batman that you can do this. cost of getting one of these pictures? from what i remember it was £22 to get one pose printed, and that allowed you to spend an extra £8 to get all of the pictures in a digital form. there was, i believe, a fee you could pay to remove the watermark, which i take as being the thing in the bottom left. why would one want that removed? 

since on the subject, the gift shop is not too bad. i have every confidence (or hope) that my wallet shall cease bleeding from its @r$e eventually, mind. doing that wonky thing of trusting my memory, t-shirts were £30 or £35, jumpers or hoodies were £55. i seem to remember those being prices being asked for similar at any number of gigs i was at this year. much like the scenario with gigs, i do believe these are garments exclusive to the exhibition, so you can't get them anywhere else. a range of them "graphic novel" things were available, priced between £15 and £25 or so, and i absolutely would not have the faintest idea if that's a good or bad price for them. so far as i was able to ascertain none were exclusive to the exhibition. 

now then, if that's just about all the practical (and potentially useful) information i can offer, then there's little else for me to waffle on about except Val Kilmer. so yes, that is indeed the Batman mask, or cowl as they seem to prefer calling it, what the legendary actor wore in his one and only stint in the role. indeed cowls from (i think) all the other actors are there, i just really admire Val. no, that's not me claiming he was the "best" in the part, as i think every actor to play Batman (and Bruce Wayne) has brought their own differing qualities. i just like Val. 

yes, liking Val is also why i took the above image, showing off his Batbelt. i do find it incredibly satisfactory to look upon and admire things what Val Kilmer has touched. doubtful there would be all that much of a market for it, but would love to see a Top Secret! exhibition like this one. 

no, you are (absolutely) not allowed to touch any of the exhibits, hence a picture of the most recent incarnation of the Batmobile on its own, and not with either William or myself in it. most of the exhibits are in sturdy casing anyway, hence me not touching any of the items what Val had touched. to be fair these are all the real deal, actually used in the films props and costumes, and thus worth a bit

oddly (or strangely) one item (below) was kind of open to being touched, which suggests that it was there as a sort of "example" thing and not from any actual film. 

indeed, a pretty decent (if blood covered) looking tape based ghetto blaster. William is fairly sure that this was actually in Batman (1989), possibly handled by Joker or one of his contemporaries. if so then i would have imagined it would have been glass cased too. should it be off of that film, then happy days, for i have now casually brushed a tape player what was in close proximity to Jack Nicholson. 

warning, selfie coming up.

behold, for above (other than me) you can see the Mr Freeze outfit from the not overly loved motion picture Batman & Robin. i believe that outfit would fit me just fine, which i take as meaning i can claim that i have the same physique (more or less) that Arnold Schwarzenegger has. no you cannot argue that one or enter into a (mass) debate, that's not how logic works. 

sure, it is so that Batman & Robin is considered the least (or "fewer") greatest of the films, but i think i would be correct in saying both i and my (former) (considerably) better half shall forever have a soft spot for it. this was one the one we deemed "safe" (allowing for skipping over the Bane transformation scene) for the boys to watch at a young age, and we had spells of them playing it on repeat. you know what i may well just pick up the video (or disc) of it for the nostalgia. 

perhaps i should have put one of them spoiler warnings ahead (or above) of the above picture, but it all seems widely reported. so yes, then, all of the films from 1989 on are represented, hence you getting to have a glimpse at what they state is the actual mask (or "cowl") from the brilliant Lego Batman movie. maybe not worth the admission fee in itself, but still. 

there would, i suspect, be little question that some of the Batman films have featured brilliant, legendary and iconic performances. all the years that have passed, for instance, have affirmed that Tim Burton was quite right to insist on Michael Keaton playing the part when the pressure was on for a more established "action hero" to do it. few would argue, however, that for the most part it is the celebrated Christopher Nolan films which feature some of the greatest performances ever seen in any sort of film, let alone Batman ones. and one in particular, so i need not say much more than above is an image of a few of the items as used by Heath Ledger. 

and to conclude the images being shared here, yes, that's one of the (quite) memorable outfits what the much missed Heath wore in The Dark Knight. for me being able to see items like this made the entire trip worthwhile, but more importantly William was absolutely thrilled by it all. 

right, well, that's that i think. indeed i could shove a whole load more images on here, but i dare say there's a stack of much more better ones around the internet. we had enormous fun attending this and  have every confidence William shall find something similar for us to go to. actually, he has mentioned that he would not mind going to that Harry Potter thing again...........

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!