Sunday, September 17, 2023

just to spite the viz

now then

doing things out of spite is, most likely, childish and petty. yet i would wager each and every one of us has gone done such at some stage, look you see. let it not be spoken that i am above such tasks. although i somehow doubt it ever occurred to those who know me to speak so. 

in terms of the fairly lengthy relationship what i have had (or gone done) with The Viz, it is not so that they have ever really upset me. or, to use the popular term so many like to take shelter behind these days, no, they've not offended me. equally it's true that they have not really made me laugh so much in recent times, what with their insistence on publishing incomprehensible, humourless rubbish such as Wee Radgie Joe and, worse, Nash Gordon. of course i still buy it. 

but, still. i was quite surprised (taken aback, as point of fact) to see, in a recent edition, them what go and do The Viz take a decision to not support one of their more prolific and appreciated contributors. someone what writes them loads and loads of letters, right, asked them if they would not at all mind giving mention to the fact that she has a book out. a non-fiction work, so no, not a novel. 

rather alarmingly, as you can see above in the greater good and glory of Commodore 64 mode, and below, in kind of regular mode (but also first pic, i think, to feature here off of my new phone with a camera welded to it), it was so that them (The Viz) dedicated an entire quarter page of their magazine to state categorically that they were not promoting it. foolishly in doing so they let slip the name of the book, Ashes To Admin, and where one can (or may) purchase it. so yes, i did go and buy a copy, so see what you think of that, The Viz. quite Rik out of Young Ones anarchic, that. 

as for the book itself (Ashes To Admin to clarify), it would appear to concern the trials and tribulations, or if you will plight, of a council officer dedicated to addressing matters of funerals for those in society who pass away with no friends, family or anyone of similar stature coming forward to address such. once again i have to (sigh) state that according to science i am presently immortal, for i have not died, well not remained deceased, so there's no empirical evidence to state that i can do so. but, if it turns out that i can, well, such a fate as depicted here may well befall me. such bothers me not, for realistically i simply won't be there to have any concern in the matter. 

purchasing it is one thing, and an act of defiance against The Viz. something of a "f*** you", if you like, although i would encourage one not to speak in such crass terms. getting to read it, well. my time to read appears to drift away, and when chance permits my enthusiasm to do so oddly wanes. i have about ten (or a dozen) novels i wish to read already sat here. this one is now in "the pile", at the very least. maybe one day. some vague understanding of the present day use of the word "irony" shall certainly be kind of applicable if it turns out to be the last text what i ever read. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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