Tuesday, September 26, 2023

what are they doing in the hyacinth house


just one of them random (and possibly pointless, look you see) posts to take up a bit of space here. i would suppose, ostensibly, it's here to say yes, indeed i exist and have updated. but, then again, there might or may well be a comment or two of value. 

once again, then, as i am so prone to being, i found myself in that there London (innit) for purposes of verk related matter. this instance, or interlude, brought moi to the "business end" of the place. as in the central parts with all the fancy stuff what everyone pictures when they think or consider the city, and not the horrors of the suburban outskirts. 

fancy is perhaps the best, or most, apt introduction what i have ever done, then, as it could well be argued, and argued well, that one does not get all that much more fancy than the (i think it is so) official resident of the incumbent monarch, Buckingham Palace. at the time of writing such (the monarch) very much remained being HMKC3(PO). 

by chance, or design, i had a colleague driving, so i could perfectly legally take the above image for you, which of course is in the greater good and glory of Commodore 64 mode. yes, we do indeed have a video too, which is below. 

let me word this section quite carefully. under no circumstances am i suggesting or acknowledging we were in such, but as it happens there are signs just by Buckingham Palace (and indeed The Mall) which give every indication that one is not allowed to drive down them in a commercial vehicle. however, unlike virtually every other part (or aspect) of London (innit), this is not enforced by camera. one has to be stopped by a member of the constabulary on this road and be issued with the fine directly. the amount, not that i have ever had one, of the fine is £100 flat i believe, with no margin or ground to dispute or get a discount. 

as an aside, or on the same subject, if you have received a parking fine in London (innit) and it was issued based on evidence of CCTV or similar cameras (and they have many), well, go back and dispute it or claim a refund. recently they had a court case and declared that all parking fines in London must be issued via a warden placing a ticket on the offending vehicle. no more can they issue retrospective ones for this act based on footage, images, etc. 

you have undoubtedly worked out that just above is the video i if not promised then suggested would be here. indeed it is in that fancy VHS camcorder format, via the app i purchased for my new la-de-dah phone what has a camera welded to it. no idea if this footage will be of all that much interest to you, dear reader, but there it is to watch (or not). 

certainly it was so that i drew attention to my colleague, the ostensible pilot, of our vehicle. no, the particular designation or clarification of which i am not going to discuss. he happens to be more of a classical, or if you will traditional, geordie, more so than a metropolitan or perhaps cosmopolitan one, and so he had little time for such caution. i believe his exact words were akin to "f*** the coppers", but he may also have likened them (in exceptionally crude terms) to a female reproductive organ. by this stage i had become so used to his use of this particular phrase of varying endearment levels that i could no longer work out in which sense it was being applied. 

well, there you go, or have it. undoubtedly there shall be some more of this splendid VHS type footage to come in future posts. let me see what i can do in respect of making them vaguely interesting. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!