Monday, October 18, 2021

stocking up on trolleys (trollies)

hello there

well, possibly a quite timely return to one of them subjects which is inexplicably popular here. yes, an instance of reports of any shopping trolley (or multiple of them), look you see. and yes it was quite deliberate of me to sidestep that great (or mass) debate concerning how to spell the being of more than one singular trolley as trolleys or trollies. the latter seems correct, but the former does not attract a red line of spelling disgrace. 

it's not so much that there aren't a great number of trollies (ys) out and about, i simply have not been paying attention, or taking pictures. however, i was prompted to engage in this art once more by, of course, my good friend Codename Magic. as an act of kindness he forwarded on a picture, which is indeed (as it would be) pictured below, but not immediately so. no. 

above is one i happened to see, my observation (and will to capture an image of) inspired by my chum. this one, presented of course in the greater good and glory of Commodore 64 mode, was in a slightly not so natural inside setting, for the only time they are meant to be inside is when used at the facility, usually a supermarket, what issued them. one hardly suspects any clarity is required, but indeed some enterprising soul, of male, female of fluid persuasion, has taken to re-purposing the trolley to be used in a way that they have seen fit to. which is shifting or possibly storing stuffs of things. 

so, to recap in terms of where we are in the world, with specific relation to the shopping trolley, i believe now we are at a time where the invisible war on the new plague has not been won or lost, rather just all - actually that' unfair, a significant number - are now bored. to this, the world (our our nation) is now "back open", so to speak. just that minor inconvenience, as has been widely reported, of shortages of things like food, petrol and so forth. yet trolleys (trollies) appear to be bountiful and profligate. 

to just about the point of boredom, i suspect, in previous posts on this subject i have given a broad overview of how important these tollies (trolleys) are to our economy. in brief, supermarkets give them away free, people take them to scrap yards, or at least ones which operate on a "cash is tax free" basis, sell them on, money flows. capitalism works, etc. 

right, so yes, above is the picture what Codename Magic sent on. as you can see, more or less, someone has taken not one, and also not as many as three (or five) but two (2) trolleys (whatever spelling) for further use. not sure if they intend to take them straight to a suitable purchaser, or if they are stored for some other purpose, quite possibly like the one i spotted. who knows, should the problems or issues concerning access to petrol prevail, then maybe someone shall work out how to make an effective steering device for them.

no, if this for some reason hasn't come up in conversation before, i neither collect nor trade in the trolley market at this time. i have little interest in doing so, really. perhaps one day this may change, but for now i am perfectly fine just observing them every now and then. and, for those of you who are for some reason interested in the first image (above) here not in Commodore 64 mode, well. 

unsure, but i think that is a bit of carpet and some rubbish, being sent off no doubt to be recycled in a reasonable and responsible way. or, for all i know, it's some new carpet and a (bin) bag full of tools with which someone proposes to fit it. not really my business. that i saw a gent who, in a professional capacity, was coming to shift a sofa what someone had discarded, i would speculate the former. 

bereft, i am, of anything further to say or add in respect of this subject. at the very least, momentarily so. let me leave you to enjoy these pictures with no further commentary, or indeed wish you well as you look at other corners of the internet. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!