Tuesday, October 26, 2021

one more for the dreamers


well, in full, i suppose, that title should be one more for the dreamers if you dream of images and such of car wash facilities, look you see. after the recent quasi "throwback" post on the subject of shopping trolleys (trollies) i figured well, and why not, might as well look at a car wash again. no, this is a quite recent car wash experience, as in all brand new images. yes, animated things too. 

strangely, or unusually, it is quite probable that i do indeed have something new to write of the car wash experience. the last few (half a dozen or so, maybe) have probably been all how i don't have much to add on the subject, but of course these are different times we live in. or in which we live. 

yes, of course, as usual this will all be presented in the greater good and glory of Commodore 64 mode. this i feel is even more better than usual, now that Shatner has been catapulted into space and order is being restored to life. 

on the note of order being restored to life, it has of course been the case that, quite recently, we had a little spell here in the UK where traditional petrol (and diesel) stations with car wash facilities attached to them became exclusive, sort of boutique car wash places only. this, mostly, was down to a minor misunderstanding concerning supply, demand, logistics, transportation requirements and reporting on exactly how much fuel we presently had in our land. went right proper f****d it did, to be sure, for a few days. panic buying like it was pasta happened, but seems to be relatively back to normal now. 

indeed, not every petrol station in the land has a car wash attached to it, and no, not all car washes are based at petrol stations. i just happen to use ones which are, for verk pays for them ones, so there you go, why would i go anywhere else. 

a bit of, or some, water action of an animated type for you in the above, then, with a glimpse of them massive flippy floppy brush things what clean the vehicle you are in. as it happens, or if you are wondering, yes there are indeed height restrictions are in place for these facilities. one can spend a rather enjoyable day sat watching such a facility, as invariably someone will come along with a vehicle clearly too big for it and yet insist on using it. great entertainment, it is, watching the no-nonsense, heavy duty machinery of a car wash rip the absolute f*** out of an oversized vehicle. 

my claim that i may have some new stuff to write of might have been ambitious, for i think i have now covered any such material. oh. 

for all of you who like to keep a record, or some files, on my various car wash exploits, indeed these are off of the "new" one that i have come to make most frequent use of. this is because it is relatively close to my new lodgings, here in my place of exile. staff at it are class, too, and they stock magazines intended for a mature, male audience. not that i would read such, but one cannot help observe they are on display and for sale there. 

these are all "head on" images, and animated things, by the way. no side window shots this time, as i believed expressing my art purely via the medium of the windscreen was what i wished to say. 

with respect to all of the images bar the above (final) animated one, yes, these may well seem a little darker than usual. as in brightness level, and not some sort of abstract understanding of "darker" in the mood attempted to evoke in my art. it is so that we are in that autumn era now, where it tends to be that no so much sun as we may wish for falls on our corner of the world. 

right, so, anyway, i have other stuff to do, and i am sure you do too. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!