Monday, September 13, 2021

broken britain


there is a particularly, and decidedly, unusual trend on the go here in the UK. what it involves is a sense for the theatrical and dramatic, with some holding ambitions to display their sense of entitlement at every moment possible, look you see. and this is done with an exclusive focus on various shelves one may (as in would) find down at any particular supermarket. 

we live in somewhat challenging times. i am not convinced they are as difficult as some make out, and indeed there is always that cliche of how it "could be worse". still, between (or betwixt) concerns such as the invisible war on the plague, featuring many people staying at home, all of that brexit business, a shortage of people to do verk (related to the first two) and what have you, every now and then one sees the shops not have every item one would wish for in. nothing new, true, and we saw quite similar to such as recently as one and a half years ago, when plague (new) broke out and for some reason lots of people went off of one, purchasing all the toilet paper, all the flour and all the pasta. 

such touched me (kind of) when i took a stroll to get one of my few vices in this world, some triple cooked chips in beef dripping. a definitive opiate factor, these b@st@rds have, believe you me. i believe or think i am right saying that beyond cigarettes (sorry) and compact discs these are all that yearn for. and yet today it was so i was unable to obtain some. 

oh, bother. yes, annoying, but instinctively i appear aware that from time to time shops do run out of things. for some reason, for instance, generally it is celebrated news when Apple perfectly stage manage being "out of stock" of whatever new thing they sell. but, also, i am aware of the pressure of the peculiar times we live in. my understanding is that i should set up some sort of "twitter" account, blame everyone i can think of for the lack of chips, and it will immediately be fixed, or else. quite frankly, i do not have the patience, or energy. 

if this is all down to a "lack of staff", and there are reports of a shortage of HGV drivers, then i am not really adverse to a career change. this is despite me being perfectly satisfied (sate) with my current verk, more or less. however, if someone has to go and drive chips around, so be it. especially if this is needed to be done on an intercontinental, across Europe thing, as a life on the road, driving on whatever side, encountering hitchhikers, prostitutes (or similar), them illegal immigrant types and having access to loads and loads of cheap cigarettes, sounds excellent. but, then, we have more trained (and licenced) drivers of HGV than we need, it's just that the red tape and ridiculous fines (i heard one gets a fine of £250, that you can't contest, for just a scratch on a number plate) means that most cannot be bothered to do it. oh. 

maybe, then, i shall just trust that someone somewhere shall get this all sorted out. who knows, perhaps the next time i go back to the shops they will have some in stock. if not, well, i dare say i can just get another type and simply make do. 

be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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