a post with some hopefully beneficial information, look you see, as well as a glimpse at one of the ways in which i find means to amuse as i presently enjoy exile. should, of course, anyone be reading still. whereas i do this all for my own entertainment, catharsis maybe, i have noted readership has dropped from thousands to hundreds. quite so, for the novelty factor of me does wear off.
one thing i really, really like doing is playing a quasi-knock off variant of Scrabble. i think it is called Words With Friends or something like that, i just press the button for it. anyway, i routinely (that is to say regularly) play against one or two friends, and also, once in a while, some random stranger who has invited me to play.
except, of course, in many (most) instances, it is not so random. like most online, interactive and communicate things, it is littered with automated "bots" or actual, human types, with both being eager and keen to befriend you, possibly or presumably in furtherance of extracting money off of you.
yes, maybe, really i should perhaps just ignore the conversation requests, or block them and report or what have you. but, sometimes any conversation is better than none, and i do take a slice of amusement from this, even if fundamentally or ultimately i am having this conversation with no one but myself.
there are much, much better articles out there concerning this approach to scam, and i would suggest you do a google for them for more information. which means don't necessarily follow my lead here, but you are living your own life. surely someone out there somewhere shares my sense of humour.
generally, all of these approaches start the same. one (in this case moi) is asked how they are, where they are playing from, what they do for a living, etc, and then a request to "friend" them on something called 'google hangouts' comes. no, me neither, as in i do not have a Scooby Doo (which is cockney rhyming slang for f*****g clue) what that is either. as you may have detected in the above image by now, i believe that this william P. chap is an ideal friend for a not terribly well thought of and not at all fondly remembered former Prime Minister Theresa May.
from what i can recall of that dark time when she was somehow Prime Minister, the only people she ever spoke of as actually liking was a "small Italian community" in the constituency which she, to their misfortune, represented. still does, i believe. which prompts all sorts of ghastly questions about the quality of opposing candidates. for all i know (and it goes without saying i care not) these two have formed a friendship, of sorts.
usually i am quite aware that it is either a "bot" or scammer i am speaking to by the time an approach to hang out with them on whatever "google hangouts" is comes along. this would be due to the answers i give to questions that get accepted blindly. or maybe i am being presumptuous. no, i think telling someone that i am a theoretical gynaecologist based in Guantanamo Bay for an unspecified amount of time determined by various government institutions would prompt at least a comment, if not further question. but, it never does. sigh.
some form of learning seems to be going on, be it by the eager scammer or the bot things (whatever they are). before i used to get images of scantily clad ladies inviting me to games. it has taken, what a year or so of mentioning that i am eager to learn the ways of the homosexualist for them to send a male profile my way.
what is it that they want of me on this "google hangouts" thing? no idea in truth, but it will have some sort of fiscal implication. maybe they wish to have unrestricted access to my bank, or (and this is popular on them dating sites and apps, i believe) wish for me to invest in some cryptocurrency or similar, or offer a mail order bride thing. well, whatever, no, not interested.
absolutely no idea if this has been useful, or in part entertaining, for any of you what still read this, but i can but hope it is so.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!