now then
yes, indeed, i am all for live and let live, dig what you dig, just don't be bogus to others with it, and all should strive to be excellent to each other. but sometimes i do wonder if this ethos, or approach, can every now and then be taken to places where, look you see, it need not go.
such a place would be, as i have every confidence you have concluded (or assumed) from the title, is the rather murky, shady and secret world of traffic cones. well, maybe not shady, murky or secret per se, but that did sound rather good.
most people, i would expect, shall give extremely little consideration to traffic cones. at best, if for some reason they are prompted to consider them, you'd think thoughts about such would really rarely be anything beyond how they are "functional", or serve a specific purpose. yes, true, as students or when of student age they represented no more than a challenge; an item to be claimed as a spoil of war, kept for no apparent reason at the home of a peer.
traditionally, indeed functionally, the main quality and characteristic of a traffic cone is that it be very visible, as in almost none more visible. universally speaking, this is why they are predominantly a bright orange with some brilliant white magical reflective bit around them, so motorists and other such users of the roads may see them and be aware of danger, restrictions or a concern which they must pay attention to.
going right ahead and fiddling with the dynamics of appearance strikes me as a matter which on the whole is unnecessary and needless. all have come to know and accept a traffic cone for what it is, and the specifics of colour give it that all important iconic identity. quite surprising, then, to see the below image on my travels.
whereas i am (patently and obviously) no fashionista, i confess to be rather taken with this bold, elegant look for a traffic cone. that green and purple should (probably) not work, and yet it does. in some part i believe this is enabled by the stark white trim.
leaving aside how oh so very stylish it looks, i am not at all sure that encouraging traffic cones to express their sexuality, or whatever, via colour scheme is wise. for a start, i do not for one moment believe, or accept, that the purple and green colours would be visible from a distance. also, when visible, they are likely to be a distraction rather than a prompt for warning. many motorists may find themselves enchanted, staring at them, wondering what these different colours mean, and in so doing be distracted and drive into or over someone or something which they perhaps had no intention of doing.

if my basic, rudimentary understanding of how the modern world works is in some way correct, yes, i understand that i shall be stood accused of all sorts of "ists" and "isms" for daring to suggest that traffic cones should perhaps not be dressed in any old colour they like. there is every chance i may well find myself all "cancelled" by the "cancel culture", whatever the f*** it is that all actually means or involves. but every now and then one has to make a statement of (or on) safety, regardless of which sensitive soul may get all terribly offended on behalf of someone (or something).
have you seen different, possibly exciting, coloured traffic cones on your way around the world? if so, then for goodness sake make use of the facility on all of these posts to leave a message. let me not be alone in such knowledge until i get all cancelled or what have you.
be excellent to each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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